Emergent Mind


Graph learning plays a pivotal role and has gained significant attention in various application scenarios, from social network analysis to recommendation systems, for its effectiveness in modeling complex data relations represented by graph structural data. In reality, the real-world graph data typically show dynamics over time, with changing node attributes and edge structure, leading to the severe graph data distribution shift issue. This issue is compounded by the diverse and complex nature of distribution shifts, which can significantly impact the performance of graph learning methods in degraded generalization and adaptation capabilities, posing a substantial challenge to their effectiveness. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review and summary of the latest approaches, strategies, and insights that address distribution shifts within the context of graph learning. Concretely, according to the observability of distributions in the inference stage and the availability of sufficient supervision information in the training stage, we categorize existing graph learning methods into several essential scenarios, including graph domain adaptation learning, graph out-of-distribution learning, and graph continual learning. For each scenario, a detailed taxonomy is proposed, with specific descriptions and discussions of existing progress made in distribution-shifted graph learning. Additionally, we discuss the potential applications and future directions for graph learning under distribution shifts with a systematic analysis of the current state in this field. The survey is positioned to provide general guidance for the development of effective graph learning algorithms in handling graph distribution shifts, and to stimulate future research and advancements in this area.


  • The paper provides a thorough survey on graph learning under distribution shifts, covering three main methodologies: graph domain adaptation learning, graph out-of-distribution learning, and graph continual learning.

  • It dissects each category based on distribution observability in inference and supervision information availability in training, offering a systematic look at the solutions within each approach.

  • Methodological insights and frameworks such as AdaGCN, GraphDE, and ContinualGNN are discussed, showcasing their contributions to addressing the challenges in graph learning caused by distribution shifts.

  • The survey also explores the impacts of these methodologies on various applications like AI-aided drug discovery and personalized recommendation systems, and outlines future research directions.

Navigating Distribution Shifts in Graph Learning: A Comprehensive Survey


Graph structural data, a significant aspect of numerous real-world domains such as biological networks, social networks, and recommendation systems, presents unique challenges due to its dynamic nature exemplified by evolving relationships and changing node attributes over time. This dynamic evolution often leads to distribution shifts in graph data, a phenomenon that significantly impairs the generalization and adaptation capabilities of graph learning models. Addressing distribution shifts in graph learning is pivotal for deploying effective models in real-world scenarios. This comprehensive survey explores the latest methodologies and strategies for graph learning under distribution shifts, primarily categorized into graph domain adaptation learning, graph out-of-distribution learning, and graph continual learning. Each category is dissected based on the observability of distributions in the inference stage and the availability of supervision information in the training stage, offering a systematic analysis of the existing solutions, and setting the stage for discussions on potential practical applications and future directions in this field.

Categorization of Graph Learning Methods Under Distribution Shifts

Graph Domain Adaptation Learning

Graph Domain Adaptation Learning focuses on adapting graph learning models from a source to a target domain where the graph data distributions differ. This adaptation ensures model proficiency in the target domain, which is crucial for applications across varying domains. The methods under this category are further classified into semi-supervised, unsupervised, and test-time graph transformation (adaptation) approaches, each tailored to specific scenarios of domain adaptability and knowledge transfer.

Graph Out-of-Distribution Learning

Graph Out-of-Distribution Learning addresses the challenge of learning from graphs with unseen distributions, aiming to generalize well to completely novel test graphs. This section introduces methods targeting Graph Out-of-Distribution Generalization, Detection, and Open-world Graph Learning. These approaches enable models to handle unseen classes and distributions effectively.

Graph Continual Learning

Graph Continual Learning deals with learning from a stream of graph data over time. This category emits strategies designed to incorporate new information from evolving graphs while retaining previously learned knowledge. Architectural, regularization, rehearsal, and hybrid approaches under this umbrella highlight mechanisms to counteract the forgetting of old tasks and ensure the seamless integration of new graph data into the learning process.

Methodological Insights and Frameworks

The survey presents a rich analysis of various graph learning methods under distribution shifts, discussing their theoretical foundations and practical implementations. Highlights include innovative frameworks like AdaGCN for graph domain adaptation, methodologies such as GraphDE for graph out-of-distribution detection, and novel concepts like ContinualGNN for graph continual learning. Each methodological insight contributes to understanding the complex nature of graph data and offers solutions to enhance model robustness and adaptability across different graph distribution shifts.

Applications and Future Directions

The implications of effectively addressing graph distribution shifts extend across multiple fields. Applications range from AI-aided drug discovery, where graph learning can accelerate the identification of new pharmaceutical compounds, to personalized recommendation systems which benefit from adapted and continually learning graph models. Furthermore, the integration of graph learning in intelligent transportation systems and open-world knowledge exploration exemplifies the broad utilitarian value of advancing this research area.

Looking forward, the survey identifies promising research directions including data-centric graph learning, cross-modality distribution shift exploration, and the formulation of comprehensive task-driven evaluation protocols. Additionally, fostering trustworthy graph learning under distribution shifts by enhancing aspects such as robustness, explainability, privacy, and fairness represents crucial future milestones.


This survey underscores the significance of tackling distribution shifts in graph learning to harness the full potential of graph structural data across a wide array of practical applications. By systematically categorizing existing methods, highlighting potential applications, and pointing towards uncharted research avenues, it lays a foundation for future investigations and developments in graph learning under distribution shifts. As the field progresses, addressing these challenges will undoubtedly lead to more robust, adaptive, and trustworthy graph learning models, propelling forward the capabilities of AI in handling complex real-world data dynamics.

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