Emergent Mind

Predicting Outcomes in Video Games with Long Short Term Memory Networks

Published Feb 24, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.MM


Forecasting winners in E-sports with real-time analytics has the potential to further engage audiences watching major tournament events. However, making such real-time predictions is challenging due to unpredictable variables within the game involving diverse player strategies and decision-making. Our work attempts to enhance audience engagement within video game tournaments by introducing a real-time method of predicting wins. Our Long Short Term Memory Network (LSTMs) based approach enables efficient predictions of win-lose outcomes by only using the health indicator of each player as a time series. As a proof of concept, we evaluate our model's performance within a classic, two-player arcade game, Super Street Fighter II Turbo. We also benchmark our method against state of the art methods for time series forecasting; i.e. Transformer models found in LLMs. Finally, we open-source our data set and code in hopes of furthering work in predictive analysis for arcade games.

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