Emergent Mind


Conditional human motion generation is an important topic with many applications in virtual reality, gaming, and robotics. While prior works have focused on generating motion guided by text, music, or scenes, these typically result in isolated motions confined to short durations. Instead, we address the generation of long, continuous sequences guided by a series of varying textual descriptions. In this context, we introduce FlowMDM, the first diffusion-based model that generates seamless Human Motion Compositions (HMC) without any postprocessing or redundant denoising steps. For this, we introduce the Blended Positional Encodings, a technique that leverages both absolute and relative positional encodings in the denoising chain. More specifically, global motion coherence is recovered at the absolute stage, whereas smooth and realistic transitions are built at the relative stage. As a result, we achieve state-of-the-art results in terms of accuracy, realism, and smoothness on the Babel and HumanML3D datasets. FlowMDM excels when trained with only a single description per motion sequence thanks to its Pose-Centric Cross-ATtention, which makes it robust against varying text descriptions at inference time. Finally, to address the limitations of existing HMC metrics, we propose two new metrics: the Peak Jerk and the Area Under the Jerk, to detect abrupt transitions.

Examples feature six human motion compositions and two motion extrapolations.


  • FlowMDM introduces novel techniques for human motion generation, focusing on seamless transitions and realism.

  • The model utilizes Blended Positional Encodings to optimize denoising, enhancing motion transition smoothness without post-processing.

  • Innovations such as Pose-Centric Cross-Attention improve the model's robustness to variable textual descriptions.

  • FlowMDM proposes new metrics for assessing motion quality and sets a new benchmark in the field, with implications for practical applications and future research.

Enhancing Human Motion Generation with FlowMDM: A Deep Dive into Seamless Transitions and Realism

Introduction to FlowMDM

In the advancing field of human motion generation, particularly for applications spanning from virtual reality to robotics, the challenge of creating long, seamless transitions between motion sequences driven by varied textual descriptions remains significant. Tackling this challenge head-on, the introduction of FlowMDM marks a significant stride forward. This innovative model not only addresses the seamless integration of motion sequences but does so without the need for any post-processing or redundant denoising steps, a common drawback in previous methodologies.

Key Contributions

FlowMDM introduces a set of novel concepts that refine the process of human motion composition (HMC). At its core, the model utilizes Blended Positional Encodings (BPE) to optimize the denoising process—a crucial step that ensures the seamless transition between motion sequences. This technique ingeniously combines the benefits of both absolute and relative positional encodings, thereby ensuring global motion coherence and the smooth transition of actions. When applied to complex HMC tasks across the Babel and HumanML3D datasets, FlowMDM demonstrates superior performance in metrics of accuracy, realism, and smoothness.

In a departure from conventional models that struggle with stark domain shifts during inference, FlowMDM introduces Pose-Centric Cross-Attention (PCCAT). This technique ensures that the model is robust against varying text descriptions, achieving consistency in motion generation even when faced with descriptions unseen during training.

Furthermore, recognizing the limitations of existing metrics to adequately capture the nuances of HMC, FlowMDM proposes new metrics—Peak Jerk and Area Under the Jerk. These metrics focus on motion smoothness and the detection of abrupt transitions, providing a more granular assessment of motion quality.

Practical Applications and Theoretical Implications

FlowMDM's advancements have significant implications for both theoretical research and practical applications. By eliminating the need for post-processing and redundant denoising, the model streamlines the generation process, enhancing efficiency and reducing computational overhead. This has direct benefits for real-time applications in VR, gaming, and interactive robotics, where seamless and realistic human motion is crucial.

From a theoretical standpoint, the introduction of BPE and PCCAT adds new dimensions to the understanding of how diffusion models can be adapted and optimized for specific tasks like HMC. The proposed metrics further enrich the toolkit available to researchers, enabling finer scrutiny of model performance.

Looking Ahead: Future Directions

While FlowMDM sets a new benchmark in HMC, the model also opens avenues for further research. One potential direction is the integration of an intention planning module to model relationships between subsequences at the absolute stage, addressing one of FlowMDM's noted limitations. Additionally, exploring the applicability of FlowMDM's techniques to other control signals and across different datasets could reveal universal principles applicable to conditional human motion generation at large.


FlowMDM represents a significant advancement in the generation of seamless human motion compositions. By addressing key challenges with innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of current metrics, this model not only achieves state-of-the-art results but also paves the way for future research in the field. Its contributions are set to impact a wide range of applications, further bridging the gap between artificial and human motion realism.

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