Emergent Mind

Verifiable Boosted Tree Ensembles

Published Feb 22, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.CR , cs.LO , and stat.ML


Verifiable learning advocates for training machine learning models amenable to efficient security verification. Prior research demonstrated that specific classes of decision tree ensembles -- called large-spread ensembles -- allow for robustness verification in polynomial time against any norm-based attacker. This study expands prior work on verifiable learning from basic ensemble methods (i.e., hard majority voting) to advanced boosted tree ensembles, such as those trained using XGBoost or LightGBM. Our formal results indicate that robustness verification is achievable in polynomial time when considering attackers based on the $L\infty$-norm, but remains NP-hard for other norm-based attackers. Nevertheless, we present a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm to verify robustness against attackers based on the $Lp$-norm for any $p \in \mathbb{N} \cup {0}$, which in practice grants excellent performance. Our experimental evaluation shows that large-spread boosted ensembles are accurate enough for practical adoption, while being amenable to efficient security verification.

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