Emergent Mind

Federated Fairness without Access to Sensitive Groups

Published Feb 22, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CY , and cs.DC


Current approaches to group fairness in federated learning assume the existence of predefined and labeled sensitive groups during training. However, due to factors ranging from emerging regulations to dynamics and location-dependency of protected groups, this assumption may be unsuitable in many real-world scenarios. In this work, we propose a new approach to guarantee group fairness that does not rely on any predefined definition of sensitive groups or additional labels. Our objective allows the federation to learn a Pareto efficient global model ensuring worst-case group fairness and it enables, via a single hyper-parameter, trade-offs between fairness and utility, subject only to a group size constraint. This implies that any sufficiently large subset of the population is guaranteed to receive at least a minimum level of utility performance from the model. The proposed objective encompasses existing approaches as special cases, such as empirical risk minimization and subgroup robustness objectives from centralized machine learning. We provide an algorithm to solve this problem in federation that enjoys convergence and excess risk guarantees. Our empirical results indicate that the proposed approach can effectively improve the worst-performing group that may be present without unnecessarily hurting the average performance, exhibits superior or comparable performance to relevant baselines, and achieves a large set of solutions with different fairness-utility trade-offs.

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