Emergent Mind


Classifying text is a method for categorizing documents into pre-established groups. Text documents must be prepared and represented in a way that is appropriate for the algorithms used for data mining prior to classification. As a result, a number of term weighting strategies have been created in the literature to enhance text categorization algorithms' functionality. This study compares the effects of Binary and Term frequency weighting feature methodologies on the text's classification method when stop words are eliminated once and when they are not. In recognition of assessing the effects of prior weighting of features approaches on classification results in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, and F-measure values, we used an Arabic data set made up of 322 documents divided into six main topics (agriculture, economy, health, politics, science, and sport), each of which contains 50 documents, with the exception of the health category, which contains 61 documents. The results demonstrate that for all metrics, the term frequency feature weighting approach with stop word removal outperforms the binary approach, while for accuracy, recall, and F-Measure, the binary approach outperforms the TF approach without stop word removal. However, for precision, the two approaches produce results that are very similar. Additionally, it is clear from the data that, using the same phrase weighting approach, stop word removing increases classification accuracy.

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