Emergent Mind

How Transformers Learn Causal Structure with Gradient Descent

Published Feb 22, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.IT , math.IT , and stat.ML


The incredible success of transformers on sequence modeling tasks can be largely attributed to the self-attention mechanism, which allows information to be transferred between different parts of a sequence. Self-attention allows transformers to encode causal structure which makes them particularly suitable for sequence modeling. However, the process by which transformers learn such causal structure via gradient-based training algorithms remains poorly understood. To better understand this process, we introduce an in-context learning task that requires learning latent causal structure. We prove that gradient descent on a simplified two-layer transformer learns to solve this task by encoding the latent causal graph in the first attention layer. The key insight of our proof is that the gradient of the attention matrix encodes the mutual information between tokens. As a consequence of the data processing inequality, the largest entries of this gradient correspond to edges in the latent causal graph. As a special case, when the sequences are generated from in-context Markov chains, we prove that transformers learn an induction head (Olsson et al., 2022). We confirm our theoretical findings by showing that transformers trained on our in-context learning task are able to recover a wide variety of causal structures.

Three examples of transformers trained for multi-parent tasks are demonstrated.


  • This paper elucidates the methodology through which transformers discern and encode causal structures by using gradient descent, focusing on a novel in-context learning framework.

  • It provides an analysis of the gradient descent dynamics in two-layer attention-only transformer models, highlighting how these models encode latent causal graphs within the attention layer.

  • The research identifies mutual information encoded in the gradients as essential for the transformer's ability to apprehend latent causal relationships, supported by empirical validation and theoretical proof.

  • The findings offer both practical pathways for enhancing transformer models in handling causal data and theoretical contributions to understanding the interaction between gradient descent, mutual information, and causal structure encoding.

Unveiling the Mechanism Behind Transformers' Ability to Learn Causal Structures


The intricate capability of transformers to encode and leverage causal structures within sequences has marked a significant milestone in the advancement of sequence modeling. This groundbreaking analysis underlines the methodological process through which transformers discern and internalize causal relationships through gradient descent, focusing on a novel in-context learning framework. The central discovery reveals that the gradient updates corresponding to the attention matrix manifest mutual information between tokens, aligning with edges in an underlying latent causal graph.

Gradient Descent Dynamics in Two-Layer Attention-Only Transformers

The paper meticulously dissects the gradient descent dynamics of an autoregressive two-layer attention-only transformer model tasked with a specially formulated in-context learning problem. The crux of this analysis resides in proving that transformers can orchestrate the encoding of latent causal graphs within the attention layer, facilitating in-context prediction. A pivotal aspect of this process is the revelation that the gradients of the attention matrix reflect the χ2-mutual information between token pairs.

Mutual Information and Data Processing Inequality

A fundamental insight of this research is the identification of mutual information encoded in the gradients, which materially contributes to the transformer's ability to recover the latent causal structure. Through a rigorous mathematical framework, it is established that the largest entries of the gradient vector correspond to the edges of the latent causal graph, inherently due to the data processing inequality. This property is instrumental in guiding the transformer to emphasize relevant token relationships that are causally significant.

Empirical Validation and Theoretical Proof

The proof provided establishes a baseline for understanding how transformers can, through the mechanism of gradient descent on a simplistically modeled two-layer transformer, recover diverse causal structures embedded within sequences. Additionally, the construction of a disentangled transformer and the empirical evidence substantiate the theoretical claims, paving the way for a deeper comprehension of how attention mechanisms inherently learn and represent causal relationships.

Practical Implications and Theoretical Contributions

From a practical standpoint, this research delineates a pathway towards enhancing the ability of transformers to process and predict based on causal structures within data, which could have far-reaching implications in various domains such as natural language understanding and generative models. Theoretically, it bridges a significant gap in our understanding of the interplay between gradient descent, mutual information, and causal structure encoding within transformers. This study marks a significant step forward in demystifying the operational mechanisms of transformers, laying the groundwork for future explorations.

Future Directions

Looking forward, the paper speculates on expanding the current findings to multi-head attention mechanisms and more complex transformer architectures. The notion of designing tasks and models that further leverage the causal learning capabilities of transformers presents an exciting avenue for future research. This could potentially lead to the development of models with enhanced reasoning capabilities and a better understanding of causality in machine learning contexts.


In conclusion, this rigorous exploration into how transformers learn causal structures via gradient descent unveils critical insights into the inner workings of one of the most powerful tools in contemporary AI research. By elucidating the mathematical underpinnings and empirical evidence supporting these mechanisms, the study contributes significantly to the advancement of machine learning theories and practices.


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