Emergent Mind


A fundamental capability for On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (OSAM) is inspection of the vehicle to be serviced, or the structure being assembled. This research assumes autonomous slewing to maintain situational awareness of multiple vehicles operating in close proximity where several safety constraints must be satisfied. A variety of techniques may be used as the primary controller. The focus of this research is developing Run Time Assurance (RTA) filters that monitor system behavior and the output of the primary controller to enforce safety constraint satisfaction. Specifically, this research explores combining a subset of the constraints into an Active Set Invariance Filter (ASIF) RTA defined using control barrier functions. This method is minimally invasive to the primary control by minimizing deviation from the desired control output of the primary controller, while simultaneously enforcing all safety constraints. The RTA is designed to ensure the spacecraft maintains attitude requirements for communication and data transfer with a ground station during scheduled communication windows, adheres to conical attitude keep out zones, limits thermally unfavorable attitude duration, maintains attitude requirements for sufficient power generation, ensures maneuvers are below threshold to cause structural damage, ensures maximum angular velocity is below limits to maintain ability to respond quickly to new slewing commands, and conserves actuator use to prevent wear when possible. Slack variables are introduced into the ASIF controller to prioritize safety constraints when a solution to all safety constraints is infeasible. Monte Carlo simulation results as well as plots of example cases are shown and evaluated for a three degree of freedom spacecraft with reaction wheel attitude control.

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