Emergent Mind

GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation

Published Feb 22, 2024 in cs.CV


The advent of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently brought about a revolution in the field of neural rendering, facilitating high-quality renderings at real-time speed. However, 3DGS heavily depends on the initialized point cloud produced by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) techniques. When tackling with large-scale scenes that unavoidably contain texture-less surfaces, the SfM techniques always fail to produce enough points in these surfaces and cannot provide good initialization for 3DGS. As a result, 3DGS suffers from difficult optimization and low-quality renderings. In this paper, inspired by classical multi-view stereo (MVS) techniques, we propose GaussianPro, a novel method that applies a progressive propagation strategy to guide the densification of the 3D Gaussians. Compared to the simple split and clone strategies used in 3DGS, our method leverages the priors of the existing reconstructed geometries of the scene and patch matching techniques to produce new Gaussians with accurate positions and orientations. Experiments on both large-scale and small-scale scenes validate the effectiveness of our method, where our method significantly surpasses 3DGS on the Waymo dataset, exhibiting an improvement of 1.15dB in terms of PSNR.

Depiction of how Gaussian propagation refines depth, normals, and identifies areas needing more Gaussians through patch matching.


  • GaussianPro is introduced as an advancement in 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for real-time neural rendering, specifically focusing on improving the densification of 3D Gaussians through a novel progressive propagation strategy.

  • The method combines 3D Gaussians with 2D view-dependent depth and normal maps in a hybrid geometric representation, facilitating efficient neighboring Gaussian determination and geometric information propagation.

  • Experimental evaluations on the Waymo and MipNeRF360 datasets show GaussianPro's superiority over 3DGS, with considerable improvements in rendering quality measured in PSNR.

  • GaussianPro incorporates a planar constraint during optimization to enhance the geometrical accuracy of Gaussians, showing significant promise in rendering scenes with prevalent planar surfaces.

Enhancing 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation for Neural Rendering

Introduction to GaussianPro

In the quest for real-time neural rendering, the advent of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) represented a significant leap forward, thanks to its efficiency and the quality of the renderings it could produce. However, it's evident that the initial excitement around 3DGS was tempered by its dependency on sparse Structure-from-Motion (SfM) point clouds for initialization. This reliance introduces notable limitations, particularly in large-scale scenes featuring texture-less surfaces, where SfM techniques struggle to generate sufficient points for effective 3DGS initialization. Addressing these challenges, our work introduces GaussianPro, a novel approach that enhances the densification of 3D Gaussians by leveraging a progressive propagation strategy. Our method bridges the gap between classical multi-view stereo (MVS) techniques and modern neural rendering, significantly improving rendering quality.


Hybrid Geometric Representation

We approached the challenge by combining 3D Gaussians with 2D view-dependent depth and normal maps. This hybrid representation allows us to leverage 2D image space, facilitating the efficient determination of neighboring Gaussians and propagating geometric information among them. Our method operates by projecting 3D Gaussians onto 2D space to generate depth and normal maps. These maps guide the growth of Gaussians by informed densification.

Progressive Gaussian Propagation

Central to our approach is the progressive Gaussian propagation strategy. This technique utilizes patch matching to propagate depth and normal information from neighboring pixels, generating new, more accurate Gaussians. This method not only addresses the challenges posed by texture-less regions but also compensates for the limitations of sparse SfM point clouds. Furthermore, by employing geometric filtering and selection, we refine the propagation results, ensuring that new Gaussians are generated where necessary to model the scene accurately.

Experimental Evaluations

Our experiments, conducted on both large-scale and small-scale scenes, demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. On the Waymo dataset, GaussianPro surpassed the rendering quality of 3DGS, achieving a significant improvement of 1.15dB in PSNR. Similarly, on the MipNeRF360 dataset, our method showcased its robustness and adaptability, delivering comparable or superior performance to 3DGS across various metrics.

Integration of Planar Constraint

An innovating aspect of our methodology is the introduction of a planar constraint during the optimization process. This constraint enforces consistency between the Gaussian's rendered normal and the propagated normal, thus improving the geometrical accuracy of the Gaussians. The results underscore the capacity of our method to generate more compact and accurate Gaussians, leading to enhanced rendering quality, particularly in scenes with prevalent planar surfaces.

Conclusion and Future Work

GaussianPro represents a substantial step forward in neural rendering, addressing the critical issues of 3D Gaussian densification and optimization in texture-less regions. By integrating insights from classical MVS and exploiting the strength of modern neural rendering techniques, our method not only enhances the visual quality of renderings but also maintains computational efficiency. While our current focus has been on static scenes, future developments could extend this approach to dynamic objects, offering a comprehensive solution for real-time, high-quality neural rendering across a broader spectrum of applications.

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