Emergent Mind

Linear Transformers are Versatile In-Context Learners

Published Feb 21, 2024 in cs.LG


Recent research has demonstrated that transformers, particularly linear attention models, implicitly execute gradient-descent-like algorithms on data provided in-context during their forward inference step. However, their capability in handling more complex problems remains unexplored. In this paper, we prove that any linear transformer maintains an implicit linear model and can be interpreted as performing a variant of preconditioned gradient descent. We also investigate the use of linear transformers in a challenging scenario where the training data is corrupted with different levels of noise. Remarkably, we demonstrate that for this problem linear transformers discover an intricate and highly effective optimization algorithm, surpassing or matching in performance many reasonable baselines. We reverse-engineer this algorithm and show that it is a novel approach incorporating momentum and adaptive rescaling based on noise levels. Our findings show that even linear transformers possess the surprising ability to discover sophisticated optimization strategies.

Performance comparison in noisy linear regression for models varying in layers, with conditional noise variances 1 and 3.


  • The paper explores the capabilities of linear transformers for in-context learning (ICL) in noisy environments, focusing on linear regression challenges.

  • Linear transformers utilize a linear self-attention mechanism, enabling them to approximate preconditioned gradient descent with momentum, effectively adapting predictions based on the input context.

  • The study investigates how linear transformers adjust to varying noise levels in the data, demonstrating their robust optimization strategies and enhanced prediction accuracy.

  • Findings highlight the potential of linear transformers to discover sophisticated optimization algorithms autonomously, suggesting a reevaluation of their application in machine learning.

Exploring the Capabilities of Linear Transformers in Noisy Environments


Transformers have seen a surge in popularity for a wide range of applications in Machine Learning due to their exceptional ability to handle sequential data. A particular area of interest has been their capacity for in-context learning (ICL), where predictions are made based on the information directly provided in the input. Prior work has shown that transformers, especially linear variants, can internally implement gradient-based optimizations resembling gradient descent algorithms. This exploration continues on the subject by diving into the specifics of linear transformers trained on linear regression challenges, revealing their inherent mechanisms and optimization capabilities, particularly in noisy environments.

Linear Transformers and In-Context Learning

Linear transformers distinguish themselves by their linear self-attention mechanism, which, theoretically, simplifies and accelerates computation compared to their traditional counterparts. When addressing linear regression problems, these transformers exhibit an emergent capability to perform in-context learning, effectively adapting their predictions based on the input data's immediate context. Through rigorous theoretical work, it has been demonstrated that linear transformers maintain an implicit linear model, enabling them to approximate a form of preconditioned gradient descent with momentum-like behavior. This significant characteristic hints at their potential to unravel complex optimization algorithms, especially under challenging conditions like variable noise levels within the input data.

Investigating Noisy Environments

The research takes a pioneering stance by evaluating linear transformers in scenarios where training data is corrupted with varying levels of noise. This introduces a layer of complexity since the solution must account for the instability introduced by noise. The study meticulously proves that linear transformers are not only capable of adjusting to noise but also excel under such circumstances by leveraging their inherent optimization strategies. By exploring different noise variance distributions, the research delineates how linear transformers can encode adaptable optimization paths, enhancing their robustness and prediction accuracy.

Analytical Findings and Model Behavior

Through an extensive analysis involving varieties of linear transformers, including those with diagonal attention matrices, the paper highlights the intrinsic capacity of these models to process and counteract the effects of noise. The sophisticated optimization algorithm uncovered during the experiments demonstrates notable improvements over standard baselines. It is characterized by momentum-like terms and adaptive rescaling based on noise levels, presenting a groundbreaking approach to noise management in linear regression tasks.

Concluding Remarks

The insights derived from this research substantially contribute to the existing knowledge on transformers, especially regarding their in-context learning mechanisms. By illustrating the sophisticated optimization strategies linear transformers can discover autonomously, the findings stimulate a reevaluation of their potential across various applications. Beyond the immediate impact on transformer architectures, this work opens avenues for future investigations into automatic discovery of optimization algorithms and broadening the application horizon for transformers.

In essence, this exploration into the capabilities of linear transformers in noisy environments not only enriches our understanding of their fundamental mechanisms but also showcases their remarkable versatility and potential for innovation in machine learning.


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