Emergent Mind


Task-oriented dialogue systems are expected to handle a constantly expanding set of intents and domains even after they have been deployed to support more and more functionalities. To live up to this expectation, it becomes critical to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting problem (CF) that occurs in continual learning (CL) settings for a task such as intent recognition. While existing dialogue systems research has explored replay-based and regularization-based methods to this end, the effect of domain ordering on the CL performance of intent recognition models remains unexplored. If understood well, domain ordering has the potential to be an orthogonal technique that can be leveraged alongside existing techniques such as experience replay. Our work fills this gap by comparing the impact of three domain-ordering strategies (min-sum path, max-sum path, random) on the CL performance of a generative intent recognition model. Our findings reveal that the min-sum path strategy outperforms the others in reducing catastrophic forgetting when training on the 220M T5-Base model. However, this advantage diminishes with the larger 770M T5-Large model. These results underscores the potential of domain ordering as a complementary strategy for mitigating catastrophic forgetting in continually learning intent recognition models, particularly in resource-constrained scenarios.

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