Emergent Mind

D-Flow: Differentiating through Flows for Controlled Generation

Published Feb 21, 2024 in cs.LG


Taming the generation outcome of state of the art Diffusion and Flow-Matching (FM) models without having to re-train a task-specific model unlocks a powerful tool for solving inverse problems, conditional generation, and controlled generation in general. In this work we introduce D-Flow, a simple framework for controlling the generation process by differentiating through the flow, optimizing for the source (noise) point. We motivate this framework by our key observation stating that for Diffusion/FM models trained with Gaussian probability paths, differentiating through the generation process projects gradient on the data manifold, implicitly injecting the prior into the optimization process. We validate our framework on linear and non-linear controlled generation problems including: image and audio inverse problems and conditional molecule generation reaching state of the art performance across all.

Exploration of free-form inpainting on images, molecules, and audio with latent T2I FM and D-Flow models.


  • Introduces D-Flow, a framework enhancing control of generative models' outcomes without re-training.

  • Utilizes differentiation through Diffusion and Flow-Matching models to steer generated output.

  • Empirical validation shows D-Flow achieves state-of-the-art performance in various domains.

  • Future work to address the runtime limitation and expand theoretical exploration.

Differentiating through Flows: Advancing Controlled Generation with Pre-trained Models


Controlled generation in generative models is pivotal for a myriad of applications, from the design of new molecules to image and audio editing, where the model output needs to align with specific requirements or conditions. This paper introduces D-Flow, a novel framework that significantly enhances our ability to control generative models' outcomes without necessitating re-training or imposing constraints on the models. The core innovation lies in manipulating the generative process of Diffusion and Flow-Matching models through differentiation with respect to the initial noise vectors, channeling optimization through the generative flow.

Theoretical Foundation

At the heart of D-Flow is the observation that for Diffusion and Flow-Matching models trained with Gaussian probability paths, differentiating the loss function through the generation process projects the gradient onto the data manifold, incorporating an implicit bias. This insight propels a general algorithm that performs optimization based on an arbitrary cost function directly on the source noise vector, effectively steering the generated output towards desired characteristics.

The capability of D-Flow to operate on general flow models and its demonstration of implicit bias across various controlled generation tasks stand out. More so, theoretical models further elucidate the implicit regularization induced by differentiating through the flow, showcasing its utility in aligning output closely with the target data manifold.

Implementation Insights

Practical application of D-Flow involves choices around initialization, solver for the ODE problem, and optimization procedure. The utility of the torchdiffeq package, gradient checkpointing, and the utilization of the LBFGS algorithm with line search are highlighted. While the method exhibits relatively longer runtimes for generation compared to baselines, its simplicity and adaptability across different domains justify its application.

Empirical Validation

D-Flow's effectiveness is uniformly demonstrated across various domains, encompassing linear and non-linear controlled generation problems. The tasks include inverse problems on images and audio, and conditional molecule generation, across which D-Flow has shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance. This broad range of applications underscores the framework's versatility and the effectiveness of source point optimization in controlled generation tasks.

Comparative Analysis

The advantages of D-Flow over existing techniques, particularly in handling non-linear setups and its superior performance in conditional molecule generation, paint a promising picture. Through meticulous quantitative analysis against other state-of-the-art methods, D-Flow establishes its credentials, particularly through improved metrics in controlled molecule generation.

Future Directions and Limitations

While D-Flow presents a robust framework for controlled generation, the aspect of runtime poses a limitation that warrants further exploration. Future directions may involve seeking computational efficiencies or alternative strategies that leverage the implicit bias with reduced computational demands. Additionally, expanding the framework's applicability and exploring its theoretical boundaries present intriguing avenues for continued research.

Concluding Remarks

D-Flow marks a significant step forward in the realm of controlled generation, providing a flexible and potent framework that leverages the merits of pre-trained generative models. Its theoretical foundation, combined with empirical validation across varied domains, showcases its potential to influence future developments in generative AI research. The journey of refining and extending D-Flow’s capabilities is set to contribute valuably to the advancement of controlled generative modeling.

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