Emergent Mind

$Se^2$: Sequential Example Selection for In-Context Learning

Published Feb 21, 2024 in cs.CL


The remarkable capability of LLMs for in-context learning (ICL) needs to be activated by demonstration examples. Prior work has extensively explored the selection of examples for ICL, predominantly following the "select then organize" paradigm, such approaches often neglect the internal relationships between examples and exist an inconsistency between the training and inference. In this paper, we formulate the problem as a $\textit{se}$quential $\textit{se}$lection problem and introduce $Se2$, a sequential-aware method that leverages the LLM's feedback on varying context, aiding in capturing inter-relationships and sequential information among examples, significantly enriching the contextuality and relevance of ICL prompts. Meanwhile, we utilize beam search to seek and construct example sequences, enhancing both quality and diversity. Extensive experiments across 23 NLP tasks from 8 distinct categories illustrate that $Se2$ markedly surpasses competitive baselines and achieves 42% relative improvement over random selection. Further in-depth analysis show the effectiveness of proposed strategies, highlighting $Se2$'s exceptional stability and adaptability across various scenarios. Our code will be released to facilitate future research.

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