Emergent Mind


Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown impressive performance in recommender systems, particularly in collaborative filtering (CF). The key lies in aggregating neighborhood information on a user-item interaction graph to enhance user/item representations. However, we have discovered that this aggregation mechanism comes with a drawback, which amplifies biases present in the interaction graph. For instance, a user's interactions with items can be driven by both unbiased true interest and various biased factors like item popularity or exposure. However, the current aggregation approach combines all information, both biased and unbiased, leading to biased representation learning. Consequently, graph-based recommenders can learn distorted views of users/items, hindering the modeling of their true preferences and generalizations. To address this issue, we introduce a novel framework called Adversarial Graph Dropout (AdvDrop). It differentiates between unbiased and biased interactions, enabling unbiased representation learning. For each user/item, AdvDrop employs adversarial learning to split the neighborhood into two views: one with bias-mitigated interactions and the other with bias-aware interactions. After view-specific aggregation, AdvDrop ensures that the bias-mitigated and bias-aware representations remain invariant, shielding them from the influence of bias. We validate AdvDrop's effectiveness on five public datasets that cover both general and specific biases, demonstrating significant improvements. Furthermore, our method exhibits meaningful separation of subgraphs and achieves unbiased representations for graph-based CF models, as revealed by in-depth analysis. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Arthurma71/AdvDrop.

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