Emergent Mind

Convergence Acceleration of Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based Gradient Descent by Deep Unfolding

Published Feb 21, 2024 in cond-mat.dis-nn , cs.LG , and stat.ML


This study proposes a trainable sampling-based solver for combinatorial optimization problems (COPs) using a deep-learning technique called deep unfolding. The proposed solver is based on the Ohzeki method that combines Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) and gradient descent, and its step sizes are trained by minimizing a loss function. In the training process, we propose a sampling-based gradient estimation that substitutes auto-differentiation with a variance estimation, thereby circumventing the failure of back propagation due to the non-differentiability of MCMC. The numerical results for a few COPs demonstrated that the proposed solver significantly accelerated the convergence speed compared with the original Ohzeki method.


  • The paper introduces a method combining deep unfolding with MCMC-based gradient descent, specifically using the Ohzeki method, to improve convergence speeds in solving combinatorial optimization problems.

  • Deep unfolding is applied, allowing the optimization of step sizes in the gradient descent process of the Ohzeki method, aiming for more efficient optimization paths.

  • A sampling-based gradient estimation technique is proposed to enable training of the solver's step sizes, addressing the non-differentiability challenge inherent in MCMC methods.

  • Numerical experiments on various COPs show that the proposed solver accelerates convergence speed without losing accuracy, underscoring the potential of deep unfolding in enhancing MCMC-based optimizations.

Enhancing Markov Chain Monte Carlo Gradient Descent with Deep Unfolding

Introduction to the Study

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are a cornerstone of computational statistics and machine learning, widely used for sampling and inference in complex distributions. However, their application in solving combinatorial optimization problems (COPs) often faces challenges, notably in convergence speed. The paper in focus introduces a novel approach that integrates deep unfolding with the MCMC-based gradient descent, specifically leveraging the Ohzeki method, to address this bottleneck. This integration not only enhances the convergence rates but also introduces a trainable aspect to the optimization process, thereby making it more adaptable and efficient.

Deep Unfolding and MCMC

Deep unfolding is a technique that maps iterative algorithms to deep neural network architectures, allowing the optimization of their operational parameters for improved performance. The method described in the paper extends this concept by applying it to the Ohzeki method—an approach that combines MCMC simulations with gradient descent to solve COPs. By unfolding this process into a deep learning model, the paper proposes that the step sizes of the gradient descent can be learned rather than manually set, promising a more efficient optimization path.

Training the Solver

A notable innovation detailed is the training process of the solver. Traditional backpropagation fails due to the non-differentiability aspects inherent in MCMC methods. To overcome this, the study proposes a sampling-based gradient estimation technique that replaces auto-differentiation. This method uses variance estimation to backpropagate through the solver, thus enabling the training of step sizes that account for the stochastic nature of MCMC processes. This methodological shift allows for the backpropagation algorithm to successfully optimize the solver despite the non-differentiability challenges.

Numerical Results and Comparisons

The effectiveness of the proposed solver is substantiated through numerical experiments on several COPs, comparing its performance with the baseline Ohzeki method. The results demonstrate a significant acceleration in convergence speed without sacrificing accuracy. These findings are critical as they provide empirical evidence supporting the viability of deep unfolding techniques in enhancing the efficiency of MCMC-based optimizers.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are multi-faceted, spanning both theoretical advancements and practical applications:

  • Theoretically, the paper opens new avenues for integrating deep learning techniques with stochastic optimization methods, particularly in settings where traditional algorithmic paradigms face limitations due to non-differentiability or convergence inefficiencies.
  • Practically, the approach has the potential to become a foundational tool in solving COPs more rapidly and accurately, which could be beneficial in fields such as operations research, finance, and machine learning.

Future research could focus on several areas, including the scalability of the proposed method to larger and more complex optimization problems, the exploration of other types of COPs, and the extension of this methodology to other MCMC-based methods. Moreover, investigating the impacts of different deep learning architectures on the performance of the solver could yield insights into optimizing such integrations further.


The paper presents a compelling advancement in the domain of optimization, showcasing how the convergence of MCMC-based gradient descent can be significantly accelerated through deep unfolding. This not only amplifies the efficiency of solving COPs but also introduces a trainable, adaptable aspect to stochastic optimization methods. As the field of artificial intelligence continues to evolve, such cross-disciplinary innovations highlight the potential for leveraging deep learning to surmount longstanding computational challenges.

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