Emergent Mind


LLMs (LLMS) have increasingly become central to generating content with potential societal impacts. Notably, these models have demonstrated capabilities for generating content that could be deemed harmful. To mitigate these risks, researchers have adopted safety training techniques to align model outputs with societal values to curb the generation of malicious content. However, the phenomenon of "jailbreaking", where carefully crafted prompts elicit harmful responses from models, persists as a significant challenge. This research conducts a comprehensive analysis of existing studies on jailbreaking LLMs and their defense techniques. We meticulously investigate nine attack techniques and seven defense techniques applied across three distinct language models: Vicuna, LLama, and GPT-3.5 Turbo. We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of these attack and defense techniques. Our findings reveal that existing white-box attacks underperform compared to universal techniques and that including special tokens in the input significantly affects the likelihood of successful attacks. This research highlights the need to concentrate on the security facets of LLMs. Additionally, we contribute to the field by releasing our datasets and testing framework, aiming to foster further research into LLM security. We believe these contributions will facilitate the exploration of security measures within this domain.

Comparison of attack performance on three models, highlighting best-performing items with enlarged labels.


  • This paper presents a systematic study assessing nine attack and seven defense techniques against jailbreak vulnerabilities in LLMs including Vicuna, LLama, and GPT-3.5 Turbo.

  • It incorporates a methodology using a fine-tuned RoBERTa model for classifying malicious responses with a 92% accuracy, alongside manual validation.

  • Template-based methods were found most effective in inducing LLMs to generate harmful content, with universal strategies outperforming white-box attacks.

  • The study highlights the Bergeron method as the most robust defense approach, underscoring the need for more sophisticated and standardized defense strategies.

Comprehensive Analysis of Jailbreak Attack and Defense Techniques on LLMs

Background on Jailbreak Attacks

Jailbreak attacks constitute a significant vulnerability in LLMs, where carefully crafted prompts bypass the models' safety measures, inducing the generation of harmful content. This research offers a systematic evaluation of nine attack and seven defense techniques across three LLMs: Vicuna, LLama, and GPT-3.5 Turbo. Our objectives are to assess the efficacy of these techniques and to contribute to LLM security enhancement by releasing our datasets and testing framework.


The study begins with a selection phase for attack and defense techniques, emphasizing methods with accessible, open-source codes. Our investigation incorporates a benchmark rooted in previous studies, expanded through additional research, totaling 60 malicious queries. We employed a fine-tuned RoBERTa model, achieving a 92% accuracy in classifying malicious responses, supplemented by manual validation for reliability.

Findings on Jailbreak Attacks

Template-based methods, notably employing 78 templates, Jailbroken, and GPTFuzz strategies, showed elevated performance in bypassing GPT-3.5 Turbo and Vicuna. LLaMA, however, proved more resistant, with Jailbroken, Parameters, and 78 templates emerging as effective strategies. The analysis indicated that questions relating to harmful content and illegal activities presented substantial challenges across all models. Interestingly, white-box attacks were found less effective compared to universal, template-based methods.

Defense Technique Evaluations

Examining defense mechanisms highlighted the Bergeron method as the most robust strategy to date. Conversely, other evaluated defensive techniques were found lacking, as they were either too lenient or overly restrictive. The study underscores the need for more sophisticated defense strategies and standardized evaluation methodologies for detecting jailbreak attempts.

Insights and Implications

The study provides several notable insights:

  • Template-based methods are potent in jailbreak attempts.
  • White-box attacks underperform against universal strategies.
  • The need for more advanced and effective defense mechanisms is evident.
  • Special tokens significantly impact the success rates of attacks, with `[/INST]' being particularly influential in the LlaMa model.

Future Directions

The findings from this comprehensive study emphasize the continuous need to refine both attack and defense strategies against jailbreak vulnerabilities in LLMs. Future research could benefit from expanding the scope to include larger models and exploring the impact of other special tokens on model vulnerability. Additionally, there's a promising avenue in developing a uniform baseline for jailbreak detection and more effective defense mechanisms, which could significantly contribute to the security and reliability of LLMs in various applications.

The raw data, benchmarks, and detailed findings of this study are made publicly available to encourage further research and collaboration in enhancing the security measures of LLMs.


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