Emergent Mind

Bayesian Reward Models for LLM Alignment

Published Feb 20, 2024 in cs.LG


To ensure that LLM responses are helpful and non-toxic, we usually fine-tune a reward model on human preference data. We then select policy responses with high rewards (best-of-n sampling) or further optimize the policy to produce responses with high rewards (reinforcement learning from human feedback). However, this process is vulnerable to reward overoptimization or hacking, in which the responses selected have high rewards due to errors in the reward model rather than a genuine preference. This is especially problematic as the prompt or response diverges from the training data. It should be possible to mitigate these issues by training a Bayesian reward model, which signals higher uncertainty further from the training data distribution. Therefore, we trained Bayesian reward models using Laplace-LoRA (Yang et al., 2024) and found that the resulting uncertainty estimates can successfully mitigate reward overoptimization in best-of-n sampling.

Penalty method based on standard deviation calculations.


  • This paper introduces Bayesian reward models, specifically using Laplace-LoRA, to enhance the reliability of reward estimations in LLMs by incorporating uncertainty quantification.

  • It addresses the issue of reward overoptimization, where LLMs produce responses that seem aligned with human preferences due to model imperfections but actually are not, especially in OOD scenarios.

  • The paper proposes a methodology to integrate uncertainty quantification into reward modeling, utilizing either a standard deviation-based or variance-based penalty to adjust reward predictions.

  • Empirical validations demonstrate that Laplace-LoRA mitigates reward overoptimization effectively, particularly in BoN sampling, marking an advancement in aligning LLMs with human preferences.

Bayesian Reward Models for LLM Alignment: Mitigating Reward Overoptimization through Uncertainty Quantification


In the domain of generative AI and LLMs, ensuring alignment with human preferences constitutes a critical yet challenging objective. Traditional methodologies pivot around training reward models on human preference data, followed by leveraging these models either to select optimally aligned responses from a set of candidates or to fine-tune LLM policies via reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Despite the functional efficacy of these strategies, they inherently risk reward overoptimization—where LLMs exploit imperfections in the reward model to produce ostensibly high-reward responses that do not genuinely align with human preferences, especially as responses meander into out-of-distribution (OOD) territories. This paper addresses such challenges by proposing the adoption of Bayesian reward models, specifically utilizing Laplace-LoRA for enhancing the reliability of reward estimations by incorporating uncertainty quantification.

The Issue with Overoptimization

Reward models, trained through finite human preference datasets, harbor inaccuracies that may inadvertently promote reward overoptimization or hacking in BoN (best-of-n) sampling or RLHF scenarios. This typically manifests as the model generating responses with artificially inflated rewards that do not align with true human preferences, particularly exacerbated in OOD cases where the reward model’s training data is sparse. The paper underscores the importance of overcoming this challenge to prevent performance degradation and safety issues in practical applications of LLMs.

Bayesian Techniques for Uncertainty Estimation

The core contribution of this paper revolves around employing Bayesian deep learning as a mechanism to address overoptimization. The methodology hinges on the Bayesian Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) technique, or Laplace-LoRA, which adaptively furnishes LLMs with uncertainty estimates across their response spectrums. By doing so, it not only fortifies the model against overconfidence but also makes strides toward mitigating overoptimization - particularly in scenarios where the model encounters OOD data. The uncertainty quantification offered by Bayesian methods, especially with Laplace-LoRA as elucidated in Yang et al. (2024), presents a scalable and parameter-efficient avenue for enhancing LLM robustness and safety.


The paper explore a sophisticated methodology for integrating uncertainty quantification into reward modeling through Laplace-LoRA. This approach estimates a Gaussian distribution over the reward outputs, enabling the model to understand and adjust for the uncertainty inherent in its predictions. Moreover, it proposes utilizing either a standard deviation-based or a variance-based penalty to incorporate these uncertainty estimates into the reward estimation process, which effectively adjusts the reward predictions to account for their associated uncertainties. By honing in on these nuances, the methodology advocates for a more refined and reliable allocation of rewards, particularly proving detrimental to reward exploitation tendencies in OOD scenarios.

Empirical Validation

Through a series of experiments involving comparisons between proxy and gold-standard reward models across varying levels of KL divergence, the paper empirically demonstrates the efficacy of incorporating uncertainty penalties into the reward estimation process. It explicitly shows that Laplace-LoRA significantly mitigates the issue of reward overoptimization in BoN sampling, underscoring the method’s practical viability and effectiveness. Notably, the empirical insights validate the potential of variance-based penalty methods, highlighting their slightly superior performance in conditions of lower KL divergence.

Conclusion and Future Perspectives

The adoption of Bayesian reward models, epitomized by the Laplace-LoRA technique, marks a significant advance in the quest for aligning LLMs with human preferences while mitigating reward overoptimization. This paper not only elucidates a critical challenge in the field but also proposes a robust, theoretically underpinned, and empirically validated solution. Looking forward, it opens avenues for further exploration in enhancing the safety and reliability of LLMs, potentially influencing future developments in generative AI through a nuanced understanding and application of Bayesian methods for uncertainty quantification.


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