Emergent Mind

The Edge-of-Reach Problem in Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Published Feb 19, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Offline reinforcement learning aims to enable agents to be trained from pre-collected datasets, however, this comes with the added challenge of estimating the value of behavior not covered in the dataset. Model-based methods offer a solution by allowing agents to collect additional synthetic data via rollouts in a learned dynamics model. The prevailing theoretical understanding is that this can then be viewed as online reinforcement learning in an approximate dynamics model, and any remaining gap is therefore assumed to be due to the imperfect dynamics model. Surprisingly, however, we find that if the learned dynamics model is replaced by the true error-free dynamics, existing model-based methods completely fail. This reveals a major misconception. Our subsequent investigation finds that the general procedure used in model-based algorithms results in the existence of a set of edge-of-reach states which trigger pathological value overestimation and collapse in Bellman-based algorithms. We term this the edge-of-reach problem. Based on this, we fill some gaps in existing theory and also explain how prior model-based methods are inadvertently addressing the true underlying edge-of-reach problem. Finally, we propose Reach-Aware Value Learning (RAVL), a simple and robust method that directly addresses the edge-of-reach problem and achieves strong performance across both proprioceptive and pixel-based benchmarks. Code open-sourced at: https://github.com/anyasims/edge-of-reach.

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