Emergent Mind

Explaining the Machine Learning Solution of the Ising Model

Published Feb 18, 2024 in cond-mat.dis-nn , cs.LG , and physics.comp-ph


As powerful as ML techniques are in solving problems involving data with large dimensionality, explaining the results from the fitted parameters remains a challenging task of utmost importance, especially in physics applications. This work shows how this can be accomplished for the ferromagnetic Ising model, the main target of several ML studies in statistical physics. Here it is demonstrated that the successful unsupervised identification of the phases and order parameter by principal component analysis, a common method in those studies, detects that the magnetization per spin has its greatest variation with the temperature, the actual control parameter of the phase transition. Then, by using a neural network (NN) without hidden layers (the simplest possible) and informed by the symmetry of the Hamiltonian, an explanation is provided for the strategy used in finding the supervised learning solution for the critical temperature of the model's continuous phase transition. This allows the prediction of the minimal extension of the NN to solve the problem when the symmetry is not known, which becomes also explainable. These results pave the way to a physics-informed explainable generalized framework, enabling the extraction of physical laws and principles from the parameters of the models.

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