Emergent Mind

Discrete Neural Algorithmic Reasoning

Published Feb 18, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.CL


Neural algorithmic reasoning aims to capture computations with neural networks via learning the models to imitate the execution of classical algorithms. While common architectures are expressive enough to contain the correct model in the weights space, current neural reasoners are struggling to generalize well on out-of-distribution data. On the other hand, classical computations are not affected by distribution shifts as they can be described as transitions between discrete computational states. In this work, we propose to force neural reasoners to maintain the execution trajectory as a combination of finite predefined states. Trained with supervision on the algorithm's state transitions, such models are able to perfectly align with the original algorithm. To show this, we evaluate our approach on the SALSA-CLRS benchmark, where we get perfect test scores for all tasks. Moreover, the proposed architectural choice allows us to prove the correctness of the learned algorithms for any test data.

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