Emergent Mind


Through pretraining on a corpus with various sources, LLMs have gained impressive performance. However, the impact of each component of the pretraining corpus remains opaque. As a result, the organization of the pretraining corpus is still empirical and may deviate from the optimal. To address this issue, we systematically analyze the impact of 48 datasets from 5 major categories of pretraining data of LLMs and measure their impacts on LLMs using benchmarks about nine major categories of model capabilities. Our analyses provide empirical results about the contribution of multiple corpora on the performances of LLMs, along with their joint impact patterns, including complementary, orthogonal, and correlational relationships. We also identify a set of ``high-impact data'' such as Books that is significantly related to a set of model capabilities. These findings provide insights into the organization of data to support more efficient pretraining of LLMs.

Impact of unlearning various corpora on llama2-7B model's diverse abilities.


  • Explores the influence of 48 different pretraining data datasets on LLMs using machine unlearning.

  • Introduces a novel methodology named GRadient AsCent-based Machine Unlearning with re-Training (GRACE) for precise information removal.

  • Identifies high-impact data sources and their varied relationships, offering insights into optimizing pretraining strategies.

  • Advocates for a reevaluation of pretraining paradigms and suggests future research directions to enhance LLM efficiency and comprehensiveness.

Deciphering the Impact of Pretraining Data on LLMs through Machine Unlearning

Introduction to Machine Unlearning in LLMs

The exponential growth in the capabilities of LLMs has brought about significant advancements in Natural Language Processing and related fields. Yet, the influence of specific pretraining data, constituting these models, remains poorly understood. The paper focuses on systematically analyzing the impact of 48 datasets across major categories of pretraining data for LLMs. This exploration is facilitated by employing novel methodologies in Machine Unlearning, revealing nuanced insights into data impacts and opening avenues for more efficient LLM pretraining strategies.

Methodological Overview

Machine Unlearning in Context

The process of Machine Unlearning, central to this research, is guided by selectively erasing knowledge from LLMs that traces back to specific pretraining corpora. Unlike traditional retraining or gradient-based methods, which are either impractical or insufficient for LLMs, Machine Unlearning offers a promising alternative. The methodology utilized, termed GRadient AsCent-based Machine Unlearning with re-Training (GRACE), achieves this through gradient ascent, effecting information removal efficiently and with precision.

Refined Unlearning Process

The GRACE method innovates by introducing a retraining regularization to mitigate unintended performance impacts on unrelated data. This is paramount, given the intertwined knowledge structures within LLMs. An additional novelty is the employment of randomized text-based criteria to discern the unlearning endpoint, further ensuring methodological robustness.

Key Empirical Findings

Corpora and Capabilities Interplay

The analysis dissects the impacts of various corpora, classified broadly into programming languages, algorithmic patterns, and knowledge domains like mathematics and general literature. One pivotal discovery is the identification of high-impact data, such as literary works, which exhibit a significant relationship with a wide array of model capabilities.

Insights into Data Relationships

Beyond individual impacts, the study illuminates on how data sources interact in shaping LLM capabilities. Three interaction patterns emerge—correlated, complementary, and orthogonal, each describing varying degrees of mutual influence among data sources on model performance. Notably, such patterns suggest strategic avenues for data organization to enhance pretraining efficiency and model comprehensiveness.

Strategic Implications for Pretraining

From a practical standpoint, the research underscores the importance of considering both the individual and joint impacts of pretraining corpora. The nuanced understanding of data relationships offers strategic guidance on optimizing pretraining data assemblies. This could lead to the development of more effective, resource-efficient LLMs.

Theoretical and Practical Considerations

Reevaluating Pretraining Paradigms

The findings motivate a reevaluation of current pretraining paradigms, advocating for a more data-informed approach. Specifically, the potential redundancy among correlated corpora and the complementary nature of diverse data types call for a nuanced strategy in pretraining data selection.

Future Research Trajectories

Looking forward, the paper opens up multiple research trajectories, ranging from the exploration of unlearning in other AI domains to the refinement of machine unlearning methodologies. It also stresses the need for broader experimentation across various LLM architectures and pretraining datasets.


The paper presents a meticulous analysis of pretraining data impacts on LLMs through the lens of machine unlearning. By uncovering the intricate relationships between data types and LLM capabilities, it sets a foundation for more informed pretraining strategies. This work not only advances our understanding of LLM training dynamics but also charts a course for future investigations into optimizing the intersection of data science and machine learning.

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