Emergent Mind

Odd Cycle Transversal on $P_5$-free Graphs in Polynomial Time

Published Feb 18, 2024 in cs.DS


An independent set in a graph G is a set of pairwise non-adjacent vertices. A graph $G$ is bipartite if its vertex set can be partitioned into two independent sets. In the Odd Cycle Transversal problem, the input is a graph $G$ along with a weight function $w$ associating a rational weight with each vertex, and the task is to find a smallest weight vertex subset $S$ in $G$ such that $G - S$ is bipartite; the weight of $S$, $w(S) = \sum{v\in S} w(v)$. We show that Odd Cycle Transversal is polynomial-time solvable on graphs excluding $P5$ (a path on five vertices) as an induced subgraph. The problem was previously known to be polynomial-time solvable on $P4$-free graphs and NP-hard on $P6$-free graphs [Dabrowski, Feghali, Johnson, Paesani, Paulusma and Rz\k{a}.zewski, Algorithmica 2020]. Bonamy, Dabrowski, Feghali, Johnson and Paulusma [Algorithmica 2019] posed the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm on $P_5$-free graphs as an open problem, this was later re-stated by Rz\k{a}.zewski [Dagstuhl Reports, 9(6): 2019] and by Chudnovsky, King, Pilipczuk, Rz\k{a}.zewski, and Spirkl [SIDMA 2021], who gave an algorithm with running time $n{O(\sqrt{n})}$.

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