Emergent Mind


Medical image segmentation is increasingly reliant on deep learning techniques, yet the promising performance often come with high annotation costs. This paper introduces Weak-Mamba-UNet, an innovative weakly-supervised learning (WSL) framework that leverages the capabilities of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Vision Transformer (ViT), and the cutting-edge Visual Mamba (VMamba) architecture for medical image segmentation, especially when dealing with scribble-based annotations. The proposed WSL strategy incorporates three distinct architecture but same symmetrical encoder-decoder networks: a CNN-based UNet for detailed local feature extraction, a Swin Transformer-based SwinUNet for comprehensive global context understanding, and a VMamba-based Mamba-UNet for efficient long-range dependency modeling. The key concept of this framework is a collaborative and cross-supervisory mechanism that employs pseudo labels to facilitate iterative learning and refinement across the networks. The effectiveness of Weak-Mamba-UNet is validated on a publicly available MRI cardiac segmentation dataset with processed scribble annotations, where it surpasses the performance of a similar WSL framework utilizing only UNet or SwinUNet. This highlights its potential in scenarios with sparse or imprecise annotations. The source code is made publicly accessible.

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