Emergent Mind

AutoGPT+P: Affordance-based Task Planning with Large Language Models

Published Feb 16, 2024 in cs.RO and cs.AI


Recent advances in task planning leverage LLMs to improve generalizability by combining such models with classical planning algorithms to address their inherent limitations in reasoning capabilities. However, these approaches face the challenge of dynamically capturing the initial state of the task planning problem. To alleviate this issue, we propose AutoGPT+P, a system that combines an affordance-based scene representation with a planning system. Affordances encompass the action possibilities of an agent on the environment and objects present in it. Thus, deriving the planning domain from an affordance-based scene representation allows symbolic planning with arbitrary objects. AutoGPT+P leverages this representation to derive and execute a plan for a task specified by the user in natural language. In addition to solving planning tasks under a closed-world assumption, AutoGPT+P can also handle planning with incomplete information, e. g., tasks with missing objects by exploring the scene, suggesting alternatives, or providing a partial plan. The affordance-based scene representation combines object detection with an automatically generated object-affordance-mapping using ChatGPT. The core planning tool extends existing work by automatically correcting semantic and syntactic errors. Our approach achieves a success rate of 98%, surpassing the current 81% success rate of the current state-of-the-art LLM-based planning method SayCan on the SayCan instruction set. Furthermore, we evaluated our approach on our newly created dataset with 150 scenarios covering a wide range of complex tasks with missing objects, achieving a success rate of 79% on our dataset. The dataset and the code are publicly available at https://git.h2t.iar.kit.edu/birr/autogpt-p-standalone.

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