Emergent Mind

Fixed Confidence Best Arm Identification in the Bayesian Setting

Published Feb 16, 2024 in stat.ML and cs.LG


We consider the fixed-confidence best arm identification (FC-BAI) problem in the Bayesian Setting. This problem aims to find the arm of the largest mean with a fixed confidence level when the bandit model has been sampled from the known prior. Most studies on the FC-BAI problem have been conducted in the frequentist setting, where the bandit model is predetermined before the game starts. We show that the traditional FC-BAI algorithms studied in the frequentist setting, such as track-and-stop and top-two algorithms, result in arbitrary suboptimal performances in the Bayesian setting. We also prove a lower bound of the expected number of samples in the Bayesian setting and introduce a variant of successive elimination that has a matching performance with the lower bound up to a logarithmic factor. Simulations verify the theoretical results.

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