Emergent Mind

Pushing the Limits of Zero-shot End-to-End Speech Translation

Published Feb 16, 2024 in cs.CL


Data scarcity and the modality gap between the speech and text modalities are two major obstacles of end-to-end Speech Translation (ST) systems, thus hindering their performance. Prior work has attempted to mitigate these challenges by leveraging external MT data and optimizing distance metrics that bring closer the speech-text representations. However, achieving competitive results typically requires some ST data. For this reason, we introduce ZeroSwot, a method for zero-shot ST that bridges the modality gap without any paired ST data. Leveraging a novel CTC compression and Optimal Transport, we train a speech encoder using only ASR data, to align with the representation space of a massively multilingual MT model. The speech encoder seamlessly integrates with the MT model at inference, enabling direct translation from speech to text, across all languages supported by the MT model. Our experiments show that we can effectively close the modality gap without ST data, while our results on MuST-C and CoVoST demonstrate our method's superiority over not only previous zero-shot models, but also supervised ones, achieving state-of-the-art results.

Methodology involving training and compressing speech encoder, and inference using ZeroSwot.


  • ZeroSwot introduces a novel methodology for zero-shot Speech Translation (ST) by aligning speech encoder representations with those of a pre-trained multilingual Machine Translation (MT) model.

  • ZeroSwot overcomes data scarcity and the modality gap between speech and text using a combination of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) compression, Optimal Transport, and leveraging Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) data.

  • The methodology's dual-branch model architecture features a speech and a text branch, enabling the direct translation of speech to text across multiple languages without needing parallel ST data.

  • ZeroSwot demonstrates superior performance across various benchmarks, outperforming both existing zero-shot and supervised ST models in most languages tested.

Bridging Speech and Text: A Zero-Shot Approach to End-to-End Speech Translation

Introduction to ZeroSwot

In the continuous pursuit to refine Speech Translation (ST) systems, the scholarly community has increasingly focused on end-to-end models due to their promising efficiency and reduced error propagation. Amidst this shift, a significant challenge that surfaces is the data scarcity in parallel ST corpora, compounded by the modality gap between speech and text representations. Addressing these issues, the work at hand introduces ZeroSwot, a groundbreaking methodology that facilitates zero-shot ST by adaptively aligning a speech encoder with the representation space of a pre-trained, massively multilingual Machine Translation (MT) model.

Addressing Data Scarcity and Modality Gap

ZeroSwot is situated within a context where the conventional cascade model for ST is being superseded by end-to-end approaches for their compactness and streamlined performance. Despite these advantages, end-to-end models are hamstrung by the need for parallel ST data – a requirement ZeroSwot sidesteps by leveraging Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) data and external MT models.

The methodology employs a novel combination of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) compression and Optimal Transport to map speech embeddings directly onto a target MT model's embedding space. This approach not only obviates the need for ST data but also demonstrates superlative performance across multiple languages and datasets, setting new benchmarks both in zero-shot scenarios and against supervised models.

Technical Insights

The core of ZeroSwot lies in its sophisticated model architecture and training regimen, which holistically addresses the modality gap issue:

  • Model Architecture: ZeroSwot employs a dual-branch design featuring a speech and a text branch, with the former transforming speech signals into embeddings close to the latter's embeddings representing targeted text translations. The speech branch utilizes wav2vec 2.0 for initial encoding, followed by a CTC-based compression mechanism and a novel compression adapter to ensure compatibility with the MT model's subword tokenization.
  • Optimal Transport for Modality Bridging: The methodology applies Optimal Transport to iteratively minimize the Wasserstein distance between the speech and text representation spaces during training. This step is crucial for aligning the high-dimensional representations of the two modalities.
  • Zero-Shot ST Inference: At inference, the trained speech encoder supplants the embedding layer of the MT model, enabling direct translation from speech to text across any language pair supported by the MT model.

Experiments and Results

ZeroSwot's efficacy is rigorously validated across several benchmarks, including MuST-C and CoVoST, where it not only surpasses existing zero-shot models but also outperforms supervised ST models in most languages tested. Furthermore, ZeroSwot demonstrates considerable capability in massively multilingual ST, and its efficiency in bridging the modality gap is substantiated through targeted retrieval experiments.

The Path Ahead

ZeroSwot represents a significant leap forward in the ST landscape, particularly in addressing the perennial challenges of data scarcity and modality gaps. The method's capacity to perform competitively without direct ST data hints at the broader applicability and potential of zero-shot learning paradigms in natural language processing and beyond. Looking forward, the exploration of low-resource languages and spoken-only languages presents an exciting frontier for ST research, further propelled by frameworks such as ZeroSwot.

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