Emergent Mind

Revisiting Experience Replayable Conditions

Published Feb 15, 2024 in cs.LG


Experience replay (ER) used in (deep) reinforcement learning is considered to be applicable only to off-policy algorithms. However, there have been some cases in which ER has been applied for on-policy algorithms, suggesting that off-policyness might be a sufficient condition for applying ER. This paper reconsiders more strict "experience replayable conditions" (ERC) and proposes the way of modifying the existing algorithms to satisfy ERC. To this end, instability of policy improvements is assumed to be a key in ERC. The instability factors are revealed from the viewpoint of metric learning as i) repulsive forces from negative samples and ii) replays of inappropriate experiences. Accordingly, the corresponding stabilization tricks are derived. As a result, it is confirmed through numerical simulations that the proposed stabilization tricks make ER applicable to an advantage actor-critic, an on-policy algorithm. In addition, its learning performance is comparable to that of a soft actor-critic, a state-of-the-art off-policy algorithm.

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