Emergent Mind

Rolling Diffusion Models

Published Feb 12, 2024 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Diffusion models have recently been increasingly applied to temporal data such as video, fluid mechanics simulations, or climate data. These methods generally treat subsequent frames equally regarding the amount of noise in the diffusion process. This paper explores Rolling Diffusion: a new approach that uses a sliding window denoising process. It ensures that the diffusion process progressively corrupts through time by assigning more noise to frames that appear later in a sequence, reflecting greater uncertainty about the future as the generation process unfolds. Empirically, we show that when the temporal dynamics are complex, Rolling Diffusion is superior to standard diffusion. In particular, this result is demonstrated in a video prediction task using the Kinetics-600 video dataset and in a chaotic fluid dynamics forecasting experiment.

Global rolling diffusion process mapping global to local time for frame-specific diffusion parameter computation.


  • Introduces Rolling Diffusion Models as a novel framework for generating sequential data, specifically designed to capture temporal dynamics more effectively.

  • Highlights the challenges of applying traditional diffusion models to temporal data, such as in video or time-series, due to their handling of temporal dynamics.

  • Describes the innovative aspects of Rolling Diffusion Models, including a reparameterization of diffusion time and a sliding window mechanism for localized denoising.

  • Demonstrates the framework's superior capability in empirical validation, with applications in video prediction and chaotic fluid dynamics, and discusses its theoretical and practical implications.

Exploring Temporal Dynamics with Rolling Diffusion Models: A New Framework for Sequential Data Generation

Introduction to Rolling Diffusion Models

The advent of diffusion models has significantly advanced the capabilities of generative modeling, with broad applications spanning from generating static images to complex text-to-speech synthesis. These models employ a process that gradually adds noise to data and learns to reverse this process to generate new data instances from noise. However, applying diffusion models to sequential or temporal data, such as videos or time-series, introduces unique challenges, particularly in handling the temporal dynamics inherent in such data. This paper introduces Rolling Diffusion Models, a novel framework designed to better capture and generate the temporal evolution of data through a unique approach to the diffusion and denoising processes.

Diffusion Models for Temporal Data

Sequential data presents a rich area for applying generative modeling, given its wide-ranging applications across various disciplines. Standard diffusion models, while effective for static data, encounter limitations when extended to sequences. These models typically treat time as an additional dimension, conflating the inherent temporal dynamics with spatial dimensions, leading to increased demands on memory and computation. Moreover, the equal treatment of all frames during generation overlooks the progressive nature of time, where future states inherently carry more uncertainty than immediate ones. This paper argues for a more nuanced approach, one that explicitly accounts for the temporal ordering and varying degrees of uncertainty across frames.

Rolling Diffusion: A Local Sequential Denoising Process

The proposed Rolling Diffusion framework innovates by reparameterizing diffusion time on a per-frame basis, effectively allowing each frame within a sequence to have its own local diffusion time. This reparameterization facilitates a sliding window mechanism, where a model focuses on a subset of frames at any given moment, applying a progressively noisier diffusion process as it "rolls" forward in time. This approach introduces several key advantages:

  • It enables the model to capture the progressive increase in uncertainty inherent in predicting future states.
  • By focusing on a local subset of frames, it reduces the computational load compared to models that operate on entire sequences simultaneously.
  • It allows for indefinite sequence generation, given its local processing nature.

Empirical validation on two challenging domains, video prediction using the Kinetics-600 dataset and chaotic fluid dynamics prediction, demonstrates the superior capability of Rolling Diffusion models in capturing complex temporal dynamics compared to standard diffusion models.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

From a theoretical standpoint, Rolling Diffusion models offer a more refined understanding of incorporating temporal dynamics into the diffusion process. The introduction of a sliding window denoising process, coupled with a frame-specific reparameterization of diffusion time, represents a significant departure from traditional approaches to sequence generation models. Practically, this methodology opens up new possibilities in areas where accurate long-term prediction and generation of sequential data are crucial, such as in forecasting natural phenomena with fluid mechanics simulations or creating realistic video content.

Looking Ahead: Future Directions in Sequential Generative Modeling

The research on Rolling Diffusion models marks a promising step toward more sophisticated and capable generative models for sequential data. Future work may explore various aspects such as optimizing the sliding window mechanism, extending the framework to other types of sequential data beyond video, and improving the efficiency and quality of generated sequences. As this field continues to evolve, we anticipate seeing these models play a pivotal role in applications that require a nuanced understanding and generation of temporal dynamics.


This paper presents Rolling Diffusion models as an innovative approach to generating sequential data, addressing some of the inherent limitations in applying standard diffusion models to temporal datasets. By reimagining the diffusion process through a temporally-aware lens, this framework sets a new standard for the creation of dynamic, realistic sequences, offering valuable insights and tools for researchers and practitioners in generative modeling and its many applications.

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