Emergent Mind

Transformers Can Achieve Length Generalization But Not Robustly

Published Feb 14, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CL


Length generalization, defined as the ability to extrapolate from shorter training sequences to longer test ones, is a significant challenge for language models. This issue persists even with large-scale Transformers handling relatively straightforward tasks. In this paper, we test the Transformer's ability of length generalization using the task of addition of two integers. We show that the success of length generalization is intricately linked to the data format and the type of position encoding. Using the right combination of data format and position encodings, we show for the first time that standard Transformers can extrapolate to a sequence length that is 2.5x the input length. Nevertheless, unlike in-distribution generalization, length generalization remains fragile, significantly influenced by factors like random weight initialization and training data order, leading to large variances across different random seeds.

Transformers generalize to 100-digit addition with over 98% accuracy from training on 40-digit tasks.


  • This paper critically examines the limitations of Transformer-based models in natural language processing, specifically their challenges with length generalization.

  • It explores the impact of positional encodings and data formats on length generalization, identifying a combination that can improve generalization but lacks robustness.

  • An extensive empirical analysis is conducted, revealing the fragility of length generalization across varying model configurations and sequence lengths.

  • The findings highlight the need for further research into more resilient architectures and training methodologies to enhance the flexibility and reliability of Transformer models.

Examining the Fragility of Length Generalization in Transformers


In the realm of natural language processing, the advent of Transformer-based models has marked a significant leap forward in performance across a variety of tasks. However, despite their extensive capabilities, one area where Transformers persistently show limitations is length generalization - the capacity to apply learned knowledge from shorter sequences to accurately process longer sequences. Length generalization poses a significant challenge not only in theoretical contexts but also impacts practical applications where models might encounter data of variable and unforeseen lengths. This paper undertakes a critical examination of this issue, with a specific focus on the task of adding two integers. Through empirical analysis, it is demonstrated that while Transformers can, under the right conditions, achieve remarkable success in extrapolating beyond the sequence lengths seen during training, this ability is highly sensitive and not robustly generalizable across different contexts.

Position Encoding and Data Formats

Key to the paper's investigation is an exploration of how various positional encodings (PEs) and data formats influence length generalization. The study spans an extensive evaluation encompassing both absolute positional encodings (APE) and relative positional encodings (RPE) alongside novelties such as FIRE position encodings and randomized position encoding techniques. Pertinently, data formatting — particularly the use of reversed formats and index hints — emerges as a crucial factor in achieving successful length generalization.

Recipe for Success and Its Limitations

Crucial to the remarkable findings of this study is the identification of a specific combination of elements — FIRE position encodings, randomized position techniques, reversed formats, and the integration of index hints — that together enable Transformers to generalize to lengths significantly exceeding those encountered during training. However, the robustness of this generalization is far from guaranteed; it is acutely vulnerable to variances in factors such as the initialization of model weights and the ordering of training data. Such fragility prominently underscores the precarious balance that currently underpins length generalization capabilities in Transformer models.

Experiments and Observations

An extensive experimental setup underlines these insights. The experiments span tasks increasing in complexity and model variants, systematically analyzing how changes in data format and position encoding impact the models' ability to generalize across sequence lengths. Notably, the study reveals that while certain position encoding schemes can initially seem advantageous, their efficacy often diminishes as sequence length increases, underscoring the nuanced interplay between model architecture choices and task-specific demands.

Implications and Speculations

The findings of this investigation have significant implications for the development and deployment of Transformer models, especially in applications requiring flexibility across variable input lengths. The fragile nature of length generalization as observed points to a critical area for future research and development, suggesting an urgent need to explore more resilient architectures and training methodologies. Furthermore, the insights gleaned from the task-specific experiments pave the way for a broader understanding of how Transformers process and generalize information across differing contexts, offering valuable perspectives for advancing the field.


In summary, this research sheds light on the complex dynamics underpinning length generalization in Transformer models, marking an important step towards unraveling and eventually overcoming these limitations. The pursuit of more robust mechanisms for length generalization remains an open and pressing challenge, one that holds the key to unlocking even greater potentials of Transformer-based models in the ever-evolving landscape of natural language processing and artificial intelligence.

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