Emergent Mind

DNABERT-S: Learning Species-Aware DNA Embedding with Genome Foundation Models

Published Feb 13, 2024 in q-bio.GN , cs.AI , cs.CE , and cs.CL


Effective DNA embedding remains crucial in genomic analysis, particularly in scenarios lacking labeled data for model fine-tuning, despite the significant advancements in genome foundation models. A prime example is metagenomics binning, a critical process in microbiome research that aims to group DNA sequences by their species from a complex mixture of DNA sequences derived from potentially thousands of distinct, often uncharacterized species. To fill the lack of effective DNA embedding models, we introduce DNABERT-S, a genome foundation model that specializes in creating species-aware DNA embeddings. To encourage effective embeddings to error-prone long-read DNA sequences, we introduce Manifold Instance Mixup (MI-Mix), a contrastive objective that mixes the hidden representations of DNA sequences at randomly selected layers and trains the model to recognize and differentiate these mixed proportions at the output layer. We further enhance it with the proposed Curriculum Contrastive Learning (C$2$LR) strategy. Empirical results on 18 diverse datasets showed DNABERT-S's remarkable performance. It outperforms the top baseline's performance in 10-shot species classification with just a 2-shot training while doubling the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) in species clustering and substantially increasing the number of correctly identified species in metagenomics binning. The code, data, and pre-trained model are publicly available at https://github.com/Zhihan1996/DNABERT_S.

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