Emergent Mind

A Survey of Generative AI for De Novo Drug Design: New Frontiers in Molecule and Protein Generation

Published Feb 13, 2024 in q-bio.BM , cs.AI , and cs.LG


AI-driven methods can vastly improve the historically costly drug design process, with various generative models already in widespread use. Generative models for de novo drug design, in particular, focus on the creation of novel biological compounds entirely from scratch, representing a promising future direction. Rapid development in the field, combined with the inherent complexity of the drug design process, creates a difficult landscape for new researchers to enter. In this survey, we organize de novo drug design into two overarching themes: small molecule and protein generation. Within each theme, we identify a variety of subtasks and applications, highlighting important datasets, benchmarks, and model architectures and comparing the performance of top models. We take a broad approach to AI-driven drug design, allowing for both micro-level comparisons of various methods within each subtask and macro-level observations across different fields. We discuss parallel challenges and approaches between the two applications and highlight future directions for AI-driven de novo drug design as a whole. An organized repository of all covered sources is available at https://github.com/gersteinlab/GenAI4Drug.

Survey explores generative AI in small molecule, protein generation; notes model-input pairings.


  • The paper discusses the impact of generative AI in speeding up and enhancing the process of de novo drug design, focusing on molecule and protein generation.

  • Advancements in graph-based diffusion models and structure-based approaches have been effective in molecule and protein generation, illustrating significant progress in the field.

  • While AI's capabilities in generating bioactive compounds and protein structures are improving, challenges such as complexity, performance, and integrated approaches in drug design persist.

  • The future of de novo drug design with generative AI looks promising, yet it relies on continuous research, collaboration, and innovation to overcome existing challenges.

Unveiling the Advances in De Novo Drug Design through Generative AI

Introduction to Generative AI in Drug Design

The creation of novel drugs is a cornerstone of advancements in medicine and healthcare. Historically, this process has been slow, costly, and fraught with high rates of failure. However, the application of AI, specifically generative models, has recently begun to change this landscape. Generative AI methodologies, particularly those applied to molecule and protein generation for de novo drug design, have emerged as a promising approach to expedite and revolutionize the drug discovery process. This blog post provides an overview of recent trends, methodologies, and key challenges in this field based on the insights derived from "New Frontiers in Molecule and Protein Generation".

Transformations in Molecule and Protein Generation

Graph-Based Diffusion Models in Molecule Generation

Recent advancements have highlighted the efficacy of graph-based diffusion models in de novo molecule generation. Models like GeoLDM and MiDi have demonstrated significant success, particularly in target-agnostic design, showcasing the power of E(3) equivariant principles. These methods leverage the geometric properties of molecules, balancing the generation of valid and unique molecular structures with the practical necessity for bioactive compounds. Similar trends have been observed in target-aware drug design, where the specificity of molecules to biological targets is of prime importance. Models such as TargetDiff, Pocket2Mol, and DiffSBDD have shown promising results here, indicating a growing proficiency in AI's ability to navigate the complex chemical space for drug design.

Structured-Based Approaches to Protein Generation

Parallel to molecule generation, there has been a noticeable shift towards structure-based approaches in protein generation. Representation learning models like GearNET have begun to incorporate 3D structural information, enriching the latent space with more biologically relevant features. AlphaFold2's influence is profound in protein structure prediction, serving as a backbone for various models aiming to understand protein folding and interactions more deeply. This structural comprehension further fuels more accurate generative models for proteins, seen in novel frameworks like RFDiffusion that fine-tune on previously established methods like RoseTTAFold to generate protein structures efficiently.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite these advancements, there remain significant challenges that need addressing:

  • Complexity and Applicability in Molecule Generation: While models are becoming increasingly adept at generating valid molecules, producing compounds with high specificity and binding affinity remains an intricate challenge. Additionally, there is a need for greater explainability in AI-driven methods to understand the "why" behind generated molecules and their predicted activities.
  • Performance and Benchmarking in Protein Generation: The rapidly evolving landscape of protein generation requires improved benchmarking standards to evaluate and compare generative models effectively. There's a continuous need for models to enhance their performance, especially in scaling the generation of larger and more complex proteins.
  • Integrated Approaches for Antibody Design: The generation of antibodies, particularly the CDR-H3 region, illustrates both the potential and the challenges of AI in drug design. While models like dyMEAN represent strides towards an integrated approach, encompassing structure prediction, docking, and CDR generation, streamlining these processes and improving efficiency remain critical objectives.


The exploration of generative AI models in the realms of molecule and protein design signifies a pivotal shift towards more innovative, efficient, and cheaper drug discovery methodologies. As highlighted, the intersection of graph-based diffusion models and structure-based approaches has opened new pathways for generating biologically relevant and pharmacologically active compounds. However, overcoming the outlined challenges through continued research, improving model explainability, performance, and integration, will be crucial in fully harnessing AI's potential in revolutionizing drug design. The future of generative AI in de novo drug design, while promising, depends on our collective efforts in research, collaboration, and innovation to unfold its full potential.

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