Emergent Mind

FAST: Factorizable Attention for Speeding up Transformers

Published Feb 12, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.NA , and math.NA


Motivated by the factorization inherent in the original fast multipole method and the improved fast Gauss transform we introduce a factorable form of attention that operates efficiently in high dimensions. This approach reduces the computational and memory complexity of the attention mechanism in transformers from $O(N2)$ to $O(N)$. In comparison to previous attempts, our work presents a linearly scaled attention mechanism that maintains the full representation of the attention matrix without compromising on sparsification and incorporates the all-to-all relationship between tokens. We explore the properties of our new attention metric and conduct tests in various standard settings. Results indicate that our attention mechanism has a robust performance and holds significant promise for diverse applications where self-attention is used.


  • The paper introduces FAST (Factorizable Attention for Speeding up Transformers), an approach to reduce the computational and memory demands of attention mechanisms in Transformers to linear, without compromising accuracy.

  • FAST employs a novel attention metric, Fastmax, which allows for scalable and efficient computation by reformulating the self-attention calculation away from quadratic dependencies.

  • This innovation enables the application of Transformers to tasks involving long sequences, which were previously not feasible due to computational constraints.

  • FAST lies at the intersection of increasing efficiency and preserving the expressivity of Transformer models, opening new avenues for optimization and application in various domains.

Exploring FAST: A Novel Approach to Efficient Transformer Attention Mechanisms

Introduction to the Need for Efficient Transformers

Transformers have significantly advanced capabilities in various domains like NLP, computer vision, and more, thanks to their ability to model complex dependencies. However, their computational and memory requirements scale quadratically with the input size, making them less efficient for long sequences. Addressing this, researchers have explored avenues such as algorithmic improvements, parallelization, and non-Transformer models, each with its set of limitations. The crux of the challenge lies in retaining expressivity while overcoming the quadratic bottleneck, especially for tasks requiring long-range attention.

Breakthrough with FAST

The paper introduces FAST (Factorizable Attention for Speeding up Transformers), an innovative algorithm that reduces the computational and memory complexity of attention mechanisms to linear without sacrificing accuracy. Unlike previous methods that either sparsify the attention matrix or compromise on expressivity, FAST maintains the comprehensive representation capability inherent in the Transformer architecture. The authors draw inspiration from the fast multipole method and improved fast Gauss transform to formulate an attention mechanism that scales linearly with the input size. This achievement opens new possibilities for applying Transformers to tasks with long sequences, which were previously computationally prohibitive.

FAST's Novel Attention Metric and Implementation

The ingenuity of FAST lies in its novel attention metric, Fastmax, which is both factorizable and scalable. By reformulating the self-attention calculation, the authors navigate away from the quadratic dependency on the sequence length, employing a polynomial kernel for deriving the attention matrix. This approach enables a more efficient computation without the need for sparsification, retaining the model's ability to capture all-to-all token relationships.

The technical contribution of the paper extends to detailed analyses on the computational and memory efficiency of FAST, backed by empirical testing across various datasets. The authors present a compelling case for FAST's robust performance, comparing it favorably against the traditional Softmax-based attention in Transformers.

Implications and Future Directions

The research's practical implications are vast, offering a pathway to more sustainable and scalable applications of Transformer models. By alleviating the computational burden, FAST makes it feasible to process longer sequences, thereby enhancing model performance in domains such as real-time language translation, high-resolution image processing, and time-series analysis.

Moreover, the theoretical advancements posited by FAST suggest fertile ground for further exploration. The factorizable attention mechanism, characterized by its linear scalability, prompts a reevaluation of how Transformers can be optimized for efficiency without loss of expressivity. Future work could explore the integration of FAST with other Transformer optimizations, potentially setting a new standard for attention mechanisms in deep learning.

Concluding Thoughts

The paper on FAST contributes a significant stride towards resolving the scalability challenges faced by Transformers. This work not only presents an immediate solution to the efficiency issue but also catalyzes further research into optimizing deep learning models for long sequence tasks. As Transformers continue to underpin more AI applications, innovations like FAST are critical to unlocking their full potential, ensuring their applicability across an even broader spectrum of tasks and domains.

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[2402.07901] FAST: Factorizable Attention for Speeding up Transformers (14 points, 5 comments) in /r/MachineLearning