Emergent Mind

The I/O Complexity of Attention, or How Optimal is Flash Attention?

Published Feb 12, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.CC , cs.DS , cs.IT , and math.IT


Self-attention is at the heart of the popular Transformer architecture, yet suffers from quadratic time and memory complexity. The breakthrough FlashAttention algorithm revealed I/O complexity as the true bottleneck in scaling Transformers. Given two levels of memory hierarchy, a fast cache (e.g. GPU on-chip SRAM) and a slow memory (e.g. GPU high-bandwidth memory), the I/O complexity measures the number of accesses to memory. FlashAttention computes attention using $\frac{N2d2}{M}$ I/O operations where $N$ is the dimension of the attention matrix, $d$ the head-dimension and $M$ the cache size. However, is this I/O complexity optimal? The known lower bound only rules out an I/O complexity of $o(Nd)$ when $M=\Theta(Nd)$, since the output that needs to be written to slow memory is $\Omega(Nd)$. This leads to the main question of our work: Is FlashAttention I/O optimal for all values of $M$? We resolve the above question in its full generality by showing an I/O complexity lower bound that matches the upper bound provided by FlashAttention for any values of $M \geq d2$ within any constant factors. Further, we give a better algorithm with lower I/O complexity for $M < d2$, and show that it is optimal as well. Moreover, our lower bounds do not rely on using combinatorial matrix multiplication for computing the attention matrix. We show even if one uses fast matrix multiplication, the above I/O complexity bounds cannot be improved. We do so by introducing a new communication complexity protocol for matrix compression, and connecting communication complexity to I/O complexity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to establish a connection between communication complexity and I/O complexity, and we believe this connection could be of independent interest and will find many more applications in proving I/O complexity lower bounds in the future.

Computational graph depicting the attention mechanism in action.


  • The paper investigates the I/O complexity of attention mechanisms in Transformer architectures, focusing on the FlashAttention algorithm's efficiency.

  • Saha and Ye establish a boundary for FlashAttention's optimal I/O complexity based on cache size and introduce a superior algorithm for situations where FlashAttention is not optimal.

  • A novel connection between communication complexity and I/O complexity is highlighted, framing attention computation as a matrix compression challenge.

  • The findings have implications for designing more I/O-efficient algorithms for attention mechanisms and other deep learning operations, potentially enabling more complex models to be trained and deployed.

Exploring the Optimal I/O Complexity in Attention Mechanisms


In the expanding universe of machine learning models, particularly those underpinning NLP and computer vision, Transformer architectures have unequivocally demonstrated their dominance. At the core of these architectures lies the self-attention mechanism, heralded for its capability to capture intricate dependencies in input data. However, this prowess does not come without its price—self-attention is notorious for its quadratic time and memory consumption, posing significant scalability challenges.

Recent advancements, most notably the introduction of the FlashAttention algorithm, have shifted the focus towards the I/O complexity of attention mechanisms. The I/O complexity, defined as the number of slow memory accesses in a two-level memory hierarchy, has been identified as the primary bottleneck in achieving computational efficiency for Transformers. The pivotal question that the work of Saha and Ye addresses is whether the I/O complexity achieved by FlashAttention is theoretically optimal.

Resolving the Question of Optimal I/O Complexity

Saha and Ye's investigation responds to this query with a comprehensive analysis segmented into two main scenarios based on the cache size (M) relative to the dimension (d). For M ≥ d2, their findings affirm that FlashAttention indeed operates at optimal I/O complexity, leveraging the classical red-blue pebble game to establish a tight lower bound. Furthermore, for M < d2, they introduce an algorithm showcasing superior I/O complexity compared to FlashAttention, and prove its optimality within this regime. This nuanced approach delineates a clear boundary where FlashAttention's efficiency is unmatched and where there is room for improvement.

Bridging Communication Complexity and I/O Complexity

A cornerstone of Saha and Ye's contribution is the novel connection they draw between communication complexity and I/O complexity, particularly in the context of matrix compression within attention mechanisms. By framing the computation of attention as a matrix compression challenge, they not only elucidate why certain bounds are tight but also lay down a valuable theoretical framework that could inspire future research aimed at tightening I/O complexity bounds in various domains.

Implications for Future Developments

The paper doesn't just stop at establishing new theoretical bounds; it propels the dialogue forward regarding the design of more I/O-efficient algorithms for attention and potentially other computationally intensive operations within deep learning architectures. Given the ubiquity and critical role of attention mechanisms across a spectrum of applications, refining their I/O efficiency directly translates to broader, more complex models being trainable and deployable on existing hardware.

Moreover, the establishment of a connection between communication complexity and I/O complexity opens new avenues for theoretical inquiry. This novel perspective could catalyze a reevaluation of existing models and algorithms through the lens of I/O complexity, potentially unveiling optimizations that were previously obscured.


In summary, Saha and Ye’s exploration into the I/O complexity of attention mechanisms sheds light on the theoretical underpinnings that determine the efficiency of these pivotal components in Transformer architectures. By dissecting the conditions under which FlashAttention is optimal and when it can be surpassed, they provide a roadmap for future algorithmic enhancements. The fusion of communication and I/O complexity theories not only enriches the theoretical landscape but also promises practical advancements in the design of computationally proficient models. As we march towards ever-larger datasets and model sizes, understanding and optimizing the I/O complexity of fundamental operations like attention will be paramount.


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