Emergent Mind

In-Context Data Distillation with TabPFN

Published Feb 10, 2024 in cs.LG


Foundation models have revolutionized tasks in computer vision and natural language processing. However, in the realm of tabular data, tree-based models like XGBoost continue to dominate. TabPFN, a transformer model tailored for tabular data, mirrors recent foundation models in its exceptional in-context learning capability, being competitive with XGBoost's performance without the need for task-specific training or hyperparameter tuning. Despite its promise, TabPFN's applicability is hindered by its data size constraint, limiting its use in real-world scenarios. To address this, we present in-context data distillation (ICD), a novel methodology that effectively eliminates these constraints by optimizing TabPFN's context. ICD efficiently enables TabPFN to handle significantly larger datasets with a fixed memory budget, improving TabPFN's quadratic memory complexity but at the cost of a linear number of tuning steps. Notably, TabPFN, enhanced with ICD, demonstrates very strong performance against established tree-based models and modern deep learning methods on 48 large tabular datasets from OpenML.

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