Emergent Mind

Modelling Human Values for AI Reasoning

Published Feb 9, 2024 in cs.AI and cs.MA


One of today's most significant societal challenges is building AI systems whose behaviour, or the behaviour it enables within communities of interacting agents (human and artificial), aligns with human values. To address this challenge, we detail a formal model of human values for their explicit computational representation. To our knowledge, this has not been attempted as yet, which is surprising given the growing volume of research integrating values within AI. Taking as our starting point the wealth of research investigating the nature of human values from social psychology over the last few decades, we set out to provide such a formal model. We show how this model can provide the foundational apparatus for AI-based reasoning over values, and demonstrate its applicability in real-world use cases. We illustrate how our model captures the key ideas from social psychology research and propose a roadmap for future integrated, and interdisciplinary, research into human values in AI. The ability to automatically reason over values not only helps address the value alignment problem but also facilitates the design of AI systems that can support individuals and communities in making more informed, value-aligned decisions. More and more, individuals and organisations are motivated to understand their values more explicitly and explore whether their behaviours and attitudes properly reflect them. Our work on modelling human values will enable AI systems to be designed and deployed to meet this growing need.

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