Emergent Mind

Direct Acquisition Optimization for Low-Budget Active Learning

Published Feb 8, 2024 in cs.LG


Active Learning (AL) has gained prominence in integrating data-intensive ML models into domains with limited labeled data. However, its effectiveness diminishes significantly when the labeling budget is low. In this paper, we first empirically observe the performance degradation of existing AL algorithms in the low-budget settings, and then introduce Direct Acquisition Optimization (DAO), a novel AL algorithm that optimizes sample selections based on expected true loss reduction. Specifically, DAO utilizes influence functions to update model parameters and incorporates an additional acquisition strategy to mitigate bias in loss estimation. This approach facilitates a more accurate estimation of the overall error reduction, without extensive computations or reliance on labeled data. Experiments demonstrate DAO's effectiveness in low budget settings, outperforming state-of-the-arts approaches across seven benchmarks.

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