Emergent Mind

Hydra: Sequentially-Dependent Draft Heads for Medusa Decoding

Published Feb 7, 2024 in cs.LG


To combat the memory bandwidth-bound nature of autoregressive LLM inference, previous research has proposed the speculative decoding framework. To perform speculative decoding, a small draft model proposes candidate continuations of the input sequence, that are then verified in parallel by the base model. One way to specify the draft model, as used in the recent Medusa decoding framework, is as a collection of light-weight heads, called draft heads, that operate on the base model's hidden states. To date, all existing draft heads have been sequentially independent, meaning that they speculate tokens in the candidate continuation independently of any preceding tokens in the candidate continuation. In this work, we propose Hydra heads, a sequentially dependent, drop-in replacement for standard draft heads that significantly improves speculation accuracy. Decoding with Hydra heads improves throughput compared to Medusa decoding with standard draft heads. We further explore the design space of Hydra head training objectives and architectures, and propose a carefully-tuned Hydra head recipe, which we call Hydra++, that improves decoding throughput by 1.31x and 2.71x compared to Medusa decoding and autoregressive decoding, respectively. Overall, Hydra heads are a simple intervention on standard draft heads that significantly improve the end-to-end speed of draft head based speculative decoding.


  • Introduces Hydra heads as a novel approach to incorporate sequential dependencies in speculative decoding, enhancing prediction accuracy and decoding speed for LLMs.

  • Demonstrates significant throughput and predictive accuracy improvements with Hydra heads over traditional Medusa and autoregressive decoding methods.

  • Explores architectural and training enhancements, introducing an improved variant, Hydra++, achieving even greater performance gains.

  • Highlights the implications for LLM inference efficiency, potential for real-world applications, and the importance of academic-industry collaboration in AI research.


Transformer-based LLMs have revolutionized various facets of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, but their deployment at scale often encounters significant challenges, particularly in inference time efficiency. The sequential nature of LLM decoding is bound by memory bandwidth, leading to underutilization of available computational resources. To address these challenges, recent advancements have introduced speculative decoding mechanisms that aim to accelerate LLM inference by speculating multiple candidate continuations and verifying them in parallel. Among these innovations, Medusa decoding emerges as a notable framework employing lightweight draft heads to speculate on continuations. However, a critical limitation of existing draft heads has been their sequential independence, failing to account for the dependencies between speculated tokens.

Hydra Heads: Elevating Speculative Decoding

This work introduces Hydra heads, a novel approach that integrates sequential dependence into the speculative decoding process. The sequential independence of standard draft heads limits their prediction accuracy, as they operate without context of preceding speculated tokens. Hydra heads, in contrast, are designed as a sequentially dependent, drop-in replacement for standard draft heads. This approach significantly enhances the speculative model's awareness and utilization of token interdependencies, leading to remarkable improvements in speculation accuracy and decoding throughput.

Empirical Validation and Insights

Through rigorous evaluation, Hydra heads demonstrate a substantial increase in decoding speeds and predictive accuracy, with up to 1.1× better throughput than Medusa decoding. Further exploration into the design and training objectives of Hydra heads unveils additional performance enhancements. By incorporating noise into the input sequences and applying a teacher loss during training, an improved Hydra head variant, Hydra++, is proposed. This variant achieves throughput improvements of 1.31× and 2.7× over standard Medusa decoding and autoregressive decoding, respectively.

Key Contributions

  • Introduction of Hydra heads that incorporate sequential dependencies among speculated tokens, substantially improving prediction accuracy and decoding speed.
  • An extensive exploration of Hydra head training techniques and architectural modifications that further enhance performance, culminating in the development of Hydra++.
  • A demonstration that speculative decoding with Hydra heads significantly exceeds the throughput of traditional autoregressive and Medusa decoding methods, marking a step forward in effective and efficient LLM inference.

Future Directions and Implications

Hydra heads represent a significant advancement in speculative decoding, opening avenues for further research into the optimization of draft models for LLM inference. The blending of sequential dependencies into the speculative process not only improves operational efficiency but also paves the way for novel applications and deployment scenarios for LLMs. As speculative decoding continues to mature, it holds the promise of making LLMs more accessible and practical for real-world applications, driving further innovation in AI and machine learning.


The development and validation of Hydra heads benefit from a collaborative effort, highlighting the importance of academic-industry cooperation in pushing the boundaries of AI research. The authors extend their gratitude to the teaching staff of MIT’s NLP class, demonstrating the value of educational institutions in fostering innovation and discovery in the field of artificial intelligence.


The introduction of Hydra heads marks a pivotal advancement in the field of LLM inference, addressing crucial efficiency bottlenecks and setting a new benchmark for speculative decoding frameworks. This work not only enhances our understanding of the critical factors influencing LLM decoding performance but also equips researchers and practitioners with a powerful tool to maximize the potential of LLMs in diverse applications. As we continue to explore and refine these approaches, the prospect of real-time, efficient, and scalable LLM inference becomes an increasingly tangible reality, promising to unlock untapped possibilities across the AI landscape.

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