Emergent Mind


We consider nonconvex stochastic optimization problems in the asynchronous centralized distributed setup where the communication times from workers to a server can not be ignored, and the computation and communication times are potentially different for all workers. Using an unbiassed compression technique, we develop a new method-Shadowheart SGD-that provably improves the time complexities of all previous centralized methods. Moreover, we show that the time complexity of Shadowheart SGD is optimal in the family of centralized methods with compressed communication. We also consider the bidirectional setup, where broadcasting from the server to the workers is non-negligible, and develop a corresponding method.


  • Introduces Shadowheart SGD, a novel method for optimizing time complexity in heterogeneous computing environments.

  • Presents an innovative approach combining unbiased gradient estimators, gradient compression, and dynamic minibatch sizing.

  • Demonstrates superiority over traditional SGD methods in environments with significant communication delays or gradient noise.

  • Highlights future research opportunities in complex models, real-world datasets, and federated learning contexts.

Evaluating the Efficacy of Shadowheart SGD in Various Communication and Computation Regimes


Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) has stood the test of time as a reliable approach to tackle optimization problems inherent in machine learning tasks. However, the ascent of distributed computing paradigms has introduced new challenges, particularly in terms of computation and communication heterogeneity across the network. The paper introduces a novel method, Shadowheart SGD, designed to address these challenges by optimizing time complexity under diverse communication and computation conditions.

Stochastic Gradient and Compression Techniques

The crux of distributed optimization revolves around efficiently leveraging multiple workers to compute gradients in parallel while minimizing the communication overhead. Traditional approaches like Minibatch SGD, although effective in synchronous settings, fall short in asynchronous and heterogeneous environments. Recent advancements like QSGD and Asynchronous SGD introduce compression techniques and asynchronous operations, respectively, to mitigate these shortcomings. However, they do not fully address the arbitrary heterogeneity in computation times and communication speeds.

Introducing Shadowheart SGD

Shadowheart SGD emerges as a solution by employing unbiased gradient estimators and an innovative strategy for choosing the minibatch sizes and the number of gradient compressions based on the equilibrium time concept. This ensures optimal utilization of available resources, leading to improved time complexity. The method is robust to various regimes characterized by the relative speeds of computation and communication across the network.

Empirical Validation

Experiments conducted on logistic regression tasks with the MNIST dataset and synthetic quadratic optimization tasks with controlled noise levels demonstrate the effectiveness of Shadowheart SGD. The method consistently outperforms traditional approaches, especially in scenarios with considerable communication delays or when noise in the gradients is significant. Notably, in environments where communication is relatively fast, the performance gain aligns closely with that of Asynchronous SGD and Minibatch SGD, underscoring the adaptability of Shadowheart SGD.

Shadowheart SGD vs. SGD One

Interestingly, comparisons with the SGD One approach, which operates on the fastest worker without incurring communication overhead, highlight the conditions under which Shadowheart SGD excels. As the complexity of the communication network increases, Shadowheart SGD's strategic compressions and asynchronous operations prove invaluable, negating the advantages of localized computation offered by SGD One.

Conclusion and Future Directions

Shadowheart SGD represents a pivotal step toward addressing the challenges posed by heterogeneous distributed computing environments. Its ability to dynamically adjust to varying computation and communication capacities ensures optimal time complexity, significantly enhancing the efficiency of distributed stochastic optimization. Future research could explore the integration of Shadowheart SGD with more complex machine learning models and larger, real-world datasets. Additionally, investigating the method's applicability in federated learning scenarios, where data privacy and device variability are of paramount concern, could yield substantial benefits for distributed machine learning.

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