Emergent Mind


A common way of partitioning graphs is through minimum cuts. One drawback of classical minimum cut methods is that they tend to produce small groups, which is why more balanced variants such as normalized and ratio cuts have seen more success. However, we believe that with these variants, the balance constraints can be too restrictive for some applications like for clustering of imbalanced datasets, while not being restrictive enough for when searching for perfectly balanced partitions. Here, we propose a new graph cut algorithm for partitioning graphs under arbitrary size constraints. We formulate the graph cut problem as a regularized Gromov-Wasserstein problem. We then propose to solve it using accelerated proximal GD algorithm which has global convergence guarantees, results in sparse solutions and only incurs an additional ratio of $\mathcal{O}(\log(n))$ compared to the classical spectral clustering algorithm but was seen to be more efficient.

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