Emergent Mind


Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is one of the enabling technologies for high-performance computing at the edge of the 6 G networks, supporting high data rates and ultra-low service latency. Although MEC is a remedy to meet the growing demand for computation-intensive applications, the scarcity of resources at the MEC servers degrades its performance. Hence, effective resource management is essential; nevertheless, state-of-the-art research lacks efficient economic models to support the exponential growth of the MEC-enabled applications market. We focus on designing a MEC offloading service market based on a repeated auction model with multiple resource sellers (e.g., network operators and service providers) that compete to sell their computing resources to the offloading users. We design a computationally-efficient modified Generalized Second Price (GSP)-based algorithm that decides on pricing and resource allocation by considering the dynamic offloading requests arrival and the servers' computational workloads. Besides, we propose adaptive best-response bidding strategies for the resource sellers, satisfying the symmetric Nash equilibrium (SNE) and individual rationality properties. Finally, via intensive numerical results, we show the effectiveness of our proposed resource allocation mechanism.

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