Emergent Mind

Does Confidence Calibration Help Conformal Prediction?

Published Feb 6, 2024 in cs.LG


Conformal prediction, as an emerging uncertainty qualification technique, constructs prediction sets that are guaranteed to contain the true label with high probability. Previous works usually employ temperature scaling to calibrate the classifier, assuming that confidence calibration can benefit conformal prediction. In this work, we first show that post-hoc calibration methods surprisingly lead to larger prediction sets with improved calibration, while over-confidence with small temperatures benefits the conformal prediction performance instead. Theoretically, we prove that high confidence reduces the probability of appending a new class in the prediction set. Inspired by the analysis, we propose a novel method, $\textbf{Conformal Temperature Scaling}$ (ConfTS), which rectifies the objective through the gap between the threshold and the non-conformity score of the ground-truth label. In this way, the new objective of ConfTS will optimize the temperature value toward an optimal set that satisfies the $\textit{marginal coverage}$. Experiments demonstrate that our method can effectively improve widely-used conformal prediction methods.

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