Emergent Mind

Harnessing the Plug-and-Play Controller by Prompting

Published Feb 6, 2024 in cs.CL


Controllable text generation is a growing field within natural language generation (NLG) that focuses on producing text that meets specific constraints in real-world applications. Previous approaches, such as plug-and-play controllers (PPCs), aimed to steer the properties of generated text in a flexible manner. However, these methods often compromised the integrity of the language model's decoding process, resulting in less smooth text generation. Alternatively, other techniques utilized multiple attribute prompts to align the generated text with desired attributes, but this approach required prompt design for each attribute and was dependent on the size of the language model. This paper introduces a novel method for flexible attribute control in text generation using pre-trained language models (PLMs). The proposed approach aims to enhance the fluency of generated text by guiding the generation process with PPCs. The key idea is to dynamically adjust the distribution of generated text by modifying prompts, effectively constraining the output space of the language model and influencing the desired attribute. To enable smooth cooperation between the PLM and the PPC, our work innovatively proposes a new model fine-tuning method: Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Adjust Feedback (RLDAF).This fine-tuning process adapts a small subset of the language model's parameters based on the generating actions taken during the PPC control process. The resulting harmonious collaboration between the PLM and PPC leads to improved smoothness in text generation during inference. Extensive experiments were conducted on the SST2 dataset, and the proposed method outperformed previous approaches in various evaluation metrics, including text fluency and attribute consistency.

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