Emergent Mind


Recent advances in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) have opened up vast application prospects, including swarm control of drones, collaborative manipulation by robotic arms, and multi-target encirclement. However, potential security threats during the MARL deployment need more attention and thorough investigation. Recent researches reveal that an attacker can rapidly exploit the victim's vulnerabilities and generate adversarial policies, leading to the victim's failure in specific tasks. For example, reducing the winning rate of a superhuman-level Go AI to around 20%. They predominantly focus on two-player competitive environments, assuming attackers possess complete global state observation. In this study, we unveil, for the first time, the capability of attackers to generate adversarial policies even when restricted to partial observations of the victims in multi-agent competitive environments. Specifically, we propose a novel black-box attack (SUB-PLAY), which incorporates the concept of constructing multiple subgames to mitigate the impact of partial observability and suggests the sharing of transitions among subpolicies to improve the exploitative ability of attackers. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of SUB-PLAY under three typical partial observability limitations. Visualization results indicate that adversarial policies induce significantly different activations of the victims' policy networks. Furthermore, we evaluate three potential defenses aimed at exploring ways to mitigate security threats posed by adversarial policies, providing constructive recommendations for deploying MARL in competitive environments.

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