Emergent Mind

C-RAG: Certified Generation Risks for Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

Published Feb 5, 2024 in cs.AI , cs.CL , and cs.IR


Despite the impressive capabilities of LLMs across diverse applications, they still suffer from trustworthiness issues, such as hallucinations and misalignments. Retrieval-augmented language models (RAG) have been proposed to enhance the credibility of generations by grounding external knowledge, but the theoretical understandings of their generation risks remains unexplored. In this paper, we answer: 1) whether RAG can indeed lead to low generation risks, 2) how to provide provable guarantees on the generation risks of RAG and vanilla LLMs, and 3) what sufficient conditions enable RAG models to reduce generation risks. We propose C-RAG, the first framework to certify generation risks for RAG models. Specifically, we provide conformal risk analysis for RAG models and certify an upper confidence bound of generation risks, which we refer to as conformal generation risk. We also provide theoretical guarantees on conformal generation risks for general bounded risk functions under test distribution shifts. We prove that RAG achieves a lower conformal generation risk than that of a single LLM when the quality of the retrieval model and transformer is non-trivial. Our intensive empirical results demonstrate the soundness and tightness of our conformal generation risk guarantees across four widely-used NLP datasets on four state-of-the-art retrieval models.

C-RAG's conformal risk controller computes generation risks for various RAG configurations in estimation.


  • The C-RAG framework aims to tackle reliability issues in LLMs by reducing generation risks through Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models, grounding outputs in external knowledge.

  • The framework uses conformal risk analysis to provide theoretical guarantees for generation risks, presenting conformal generation risks and certification under distribution shifts.

  • Empirical validation demonstrates that RAG models exhibit lower generation risks than vanilla LLMs across various datasets and retrieval models, validating the theoretical foundations of the C-RAG framework.

C-RAG: Certified Generation Risks for Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

The research presented in this paper addresses an important challenge in the deployment of LLMs by introducing the C-RAG framework. Despite the impressive capabilities of LLMs across diverse NLP tasks, their reliability remains a critical issue. Specifically, LLMs suffer from phenomena such as hallucinations and misalignments, which affect their trustworthiness. The paper explores whether Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models can mitigate these issues by grounding model outputs in external knowledge, and it provides a theoretical foundation to understand and certify the generation risks of RAG models.

Objectives and Contributions

The authors outline several core questions in their inquiry:

  1. Can RAG models indeed reduce generation risks compared to vanilla LLMs?
  2. How can one provide provable guarantees on the generation risks for both RAG and vanilla LLMs?
  3. What conditions enable RAG models to reduce generation risks?

To address these questions, the paper introduces C-RAG, a framework for certified generation risks for RAG models. The key contributions are:

  1. Conformal Risk Analysis for RAG Models: The framework employs conformal analysis to provide upper bounds on generation risks, termed conformal generation risks.
  2. Theoretical Guarantees: The authors establish theoretical guarantees for conformal generation risks under various conditions, including distribution shifts.
  3. Risk Reduction Proofs: It is demonstrated that RAG models achieve lower conformal generation risks than vanilla LLMs under non-trivial retrieval and transformer quality conditions.
  4. Empirical Validation: The paper includes extensive empirical results that validate the theoretical findings across four widely-used NLP datasets and four state-of-the-art retrieval models.


The conformal risk analysis within C-RAG is built upon existing statistical techniques such as conformal prediction, but it extends these methods to handle generation tasks rather than mere prediction tasks. The core methodological components include:

  1. Constrained Generation Protocol: RAG models generate outputs by retrieving relevant documents and conditioning on this retrieved information, which is mediated through specific parameter configurations like the number of retrieved examples and generation set size.
  2. Conformal Risk Calculation: Through conformal risk analysis, the framework computes a high-probability upper bound of generation risks during inference. This bound is derived using the empirical generation risks on in-distribution calibration samples.
  3. Certification under Distribution Shifts: The paper extends the conformal analysis to handle test-time distribution shifts, providing the first conformal risk guarantees for general bounded risk functions under these conditions.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The theoretical implications are noteworthy. The paper furnishes rigorous proofs showing that RAG models, under sufficient conditions related to the quality of retrieval and transformer components, achieve lower generation risks than vanilla LLMs. This result holds true even when facing distribution shifts, which is paramount for real-world applications where the deployment environment may differ from the training distribution.

Practically, the empirical validation underscores the soundness and tightness of the conformal generation risk guarantees. For all tested retrieval models and datasets, the conformal risk bounds effectively upper-bound the empirical risks, often with a minimal gap. The evaluation also shows that increasing the number of retrieved examples notably improves the conformal risk performance, supporting the theoretical claims made in the paper.

Future Developments in AI

This research lays the groundwork for more trustworthy AI systems. By providing verifiable guarantees on LLM outputs, it paves the way for safer and more reliable deployment in safety-critical domains. Future research could extend these techniques to time-series data and explore adaptive learning mechanisms where models continuously calibrate based on real-time feedback, further enhancing reliability and applicability.

In conclusion, the C-RAG framework signifies a substantial advancement towards certifying the reliability of LLMs augmented with retrieval capabilities. The methodical blend of theoretical rigour and empirical validation builds confidence in the potential of RAG models to alleviate some of the pressing challenges facing modern AI systems.

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