Emergent Mind

Poisson Process for Bayesian Optimization

Published Feb 5, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


BayesianOptimization(BO) is a sample-efficient black-box optimizer, and extensive methods have been proposed to build the absolute function response of the black-box function through a probabilistic surrogate model, including Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE), random forest (SMAC), and Gaussian process (GP). However, few methods have been explored to estimate the relative rankings of candidates, which can be more robust to noise and have better practicality than absolute function responses, especially when the function responses are intractable but preferences can be acquired. To this end, we propose a novel ranking-based surrogate model based on the Poisson process and introduce an efficient BO framework, namely Poisson Process Bayesian Optimization (PoPBO). Two tailored acquisition functions are further derived from classic LCB and EI to accommodate it. Compared to the classic GP-BO method, our PoPBO has lower computation costs and better robustness to noise, which is verified by abundant experiments. The results on both simulated and real-world benchmarks, including hyperparameter optimization (HPO) and neural architecture search (NAS), show the effectiveness of PoPBO.

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