Emergent Mind

NetLLM: Adapting Large Language Models for Networking

Published Feb 4, 2024 in cs.NI and cs.LG


Many networking tasks now employ deep learning (DL) to solve complex prediction and system optimization problems. However, current design philosophy of DL-based algorithms entails intensive engineering overhead due to the manual design of deep neural networks (DNNs) for different networking tasks. Besides, DNNs tend to achieve poor generalization performance on unseen data distributions/environments. Motivated by the recent success of LLMs, for the first time, this work studies the LLM adaptation for networking to explore a more sustainable design philosophy. With the massive pre-trained knowledge and powerful inference ability, LLM can serve as the foundation model, and is expected to achieve "one model for all" with even better performance and stronger generalization for various tasks. In this paper, we present NetLLM, the first LLM adaptation framework that efficiently adapts LLMs to solve networking problems. NetLLM addresses many practical challenges in LLM adaptation, from how to process task-specific information with LLMs, to how to improve the efficiency of answer generation and acquiring domain knowledge for networking. Across three networking-related use cases - viewport prediction (VP), adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) and cluster job scheduling (CJS), we demonstrate the effectiveness of NetLLM in LLM adaptation for networking, and showcase that the adapted LLM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms.

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