Emergent Mind


This study investigates the vulnerability of semantic segmentation models to adversarial input perturbations, in the domain of off-road autonomous driving. Despite good performance in generic conditions, the state-of-the-art classifiers are often susceptible to (even) small perturbations, ultimately resulting in inaccurate predictions with high confidence. Prior research has directed their focus on making models more robust by modifying the architecture and training with noisy input images, but has not explored the influence of datasets in adversarial attacks. Our study aims to address this gap by examining the impact of non-robust features in off-road datasets and comparing the effects of adversarial attacks on different segmentation network architectures. To enable this, a robust dataset is created consisting of only robust features and training the networks on this robustified dataset. We present both qualitative and quantitative analysis of our findings, which have important implications on improving the robustness of machine learning models in off-road autonomous driving applications. Additionally, this work contributes to the safe navigation of autonomous robot Unimog U5023 in rough off-road unstructured environments by evaluating the robustness of segmentation outputs. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/rohtkumar/adversarial_attacks_ on_segmentation

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