Emergent Mind

Low-power scalable multilayer optoelectronic neural networks enabled with incoherent light

Published Feb 3, 2024 in cs.ET and physics.optics


Optical approaches have made great strides towards the goal of high-speed, energy-efficient computing necessary for modern deep learning and AI applications. Read-in and read-out of data, however, limit the overall performance of existing approaches. This study introduces a multilayer optoelectronic computing framework that alternates between optical and optoelectronic layers to implement matrix-vector multiplications and rectified linear functions, respectively. Our framework is designed for real-time, parallelized operations, leveraging 2D arrays of LEDs and photodetectors connected via independent analog electronics. We experimentally demonstrate this approach using a system with a three-layer network with two hidden layers and operate it to recognize images from the MNIST database with a recognition accuracy of 92% and classify classes from a nonlinear spiral data with 86% accuracy. By implementing multiple layers of a deep neural network simultaneously, our approach significantly reduces the number of read-ins and read-outs required and paves the way for scalable optical accelerators requiring ultra low energy.

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