Emergent Mind

Inverse Reinforcement Learning by Estimating Expertise of Demonstrators

Published Feb 2, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


In Imitation Learning (IL), utilizing suboptimal and heterogeneous demonstrations presents a substantial challenge due to the varied nature of real-world data. However, standard IL algorithms consider these datasets as homogeneous, thereby inheriting the deficiencies of suboptimal demonstrators. Previous approaches to this issue typically rely on impractical assumptions like high-quality data subsets, confidence rankings, or explicit environmental knowledge. This paper introduces IRLEED, Inverse Reinforcement Learning by Estimating Expertise of Demonstrators, a novel framework that overcomes these hurdles without prior knowledge of demonstrator expertise. IRLEED enhances existing Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) algorithms by combining a general model for demonstrator suboptimality to address reward bias and action variance, with a Maximum Entropy IRL framework to efficiently derive the optimal policy from diverse, suboptimal demonstrations. Experiments in both online and offline IL settings, with simulated and human-generated data, demonstrate IRLEED's adaptability and effectiveness, making it a versatile solution for learning from suboptimal demonstrations.

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