Emergent Mind


This study investigates the possibility of mitigating the demographic biases that affect face recognition technologies through the use of synthetic data. Demographic biases have the potential to impact individuals from specific demographic groups, and can be identified by observing disparate performance of face recognition systems across demographic groups. They primarily arise from the unequal representations of demographic groups in the training data. In recent times, synthetic data have emerged as a solution to some problems that affect face recognition systems. In particular, during the generation process it is possible to specify the desired demographic and facial attributes of images, in order to control the demographic distribution of the synthesized dataset, and fairly represent the different demographic groups. We propose to fine-tune with synthetic data existing face recognition systems that present some demographic biases. We use synthetic datasets generated with GANDiffFace, a novel framework able to synthesize datasets for face recognition with controllable demographic distribution and realistic intra-class variations. We consider multiple datasets representing different demographic groups for training and evaluation. Also, we fine-tune different face recognition systems, and evaluate their demographic fairness with different metrics. Our results support the proposed approach and the use of synthetic data to mitigate demographic biases in face recognition.

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